PSU Travel Expenses

so you don't know how the bowl money is divided up?? I contend that controlling expenses doesn't significantly increase your bowl revenue that you get to keep. I think all the B1G bowl money is thrown into one big pot. The B1G bowl expenses are thrown into another big pot , the net (what is left over, if you are having trouble understanding that word) is then divided among all the B1G teams. So If I do a good job of managing my expenses, and Iowa does a poor job (that is the Iowa remark) does it really mean I will have significantly more money at the end of the day?? ( as you know anything I save is actually spread among the other 11 B1G teams)

Try this, slugger. As hard as it may be for you, forget about how the bowl money is divvied up (and I do know how it's done, but it's not germane to the discussion). If the Big Ten gives PSU $2mm to defray expenses PSU incurs in going to the TaxSlayer Bowl with the proviso that PSU can keep any money that it doesn't actually spend is PSU better off if:

a. it spends, $2.3 million, taking $300k from its own pocket;

b. spending $2.0 million on the button; or

c. spending $1.6 million and pocketing the remaining $400k for other purposes?
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so you don't know how the bowl money is divided up?? I contend that controlling expenses doesn't significantly increase your bowl revenue that you get to keep. I think all the B1G bowl money is thrown into one big pot. The B1G bowl expenses are thrown into another big pot , the net (what is left over, if you are having trouble understanding that word) is then divided among all the B1G teams. So If I do a good job of managing my expenses, and Iowa does a poor job (that is the Iowa remark) does it really mean I will have significantly more money at the end of the day?? ( as you know anything I save is actually spread among the other 11 B1G teams)

so you don't know how it's divided up either?

The expense pot is divided up, you go over your allotment, you are responsible for it. You go under, you keep the amount. Amounts are determined based on bowl and determined before anyone spends a cent. Whatever wasn't allotted to the expenses pool goes equally to the member institutions. Not sure why this is such a hard concept for you.
Try this, slugger. As hard as it may be for you, forget about how the bowl money is divvied up (and I do know how it's done, but it's not germane to the discussion). If the Big Ten gives PSU $2mm to defray expenses PSU incurs in going to the TaxSlayer Bowl with the proviso that PSU can keep any money that it doesn't actually spend is PSU better off if:

a. it spends, $2.3 million, taking $300k from its own pocket;

b. spending $2.0 million on the button; or

c. spending $1.6 million and pocketing the remaining $400k for other purposes?
Well thank you Art. That makes sense. It makes sense to not spend all ur money. CUSA does it differently I believe and thus the confusion on my part