Recognize the discussion in the other thread. Here's additional info for OldPAwrestler…
The Pan Am Olympic Games Qualifier (2 spots), and the World Olympic Games Qualifier (2 spots) are indeed it, though in Men's Free, the USA chances are great for qualifying all 6 weight classes (2 already qualified, 4 to go). The competition for the Pan Am Qualifier comes mostly from Cuba wrestlers, and a couple from Columbia. There may be others, but if the USA does not finish top-2 in the four weight classes yet to qualify, they under-performed. Even if they do, there's that last-chance qualifier, which will not include any representative for each weight class, from a country that is already qualified.
I have not looked at Greco, or Women's Freestyle. I suspect, from memory, that the USA will qualify all the Women's Freestyle weights, and most of the Greco weights (though probably not all).
Oh, one last thing … we should not confuse the Pan Am Games and the Pan Am Olympic Qualifier, they are separate events.