Question about a rules interpretation...


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2002
Hershey, PA
Should a wrestler be awarded a takedown when he puts his opponent in a pinning combination from neutral? I'm specifically referring to Guilibon's cradle on the edge of the mat. I kept yelling at the TV, "TAKE THE HEAD", which he did but he got no takedown.
I saw this clearly and it must be in the rules that it is not a takedown, else
Should a wrestler be awarded a takedown when he puts his opponent in a pinning combination from neutral? I'm specifically referring to Guilibon's cradle on the edge of the mat. I kept yelling at the TV, "TAKE THE HEAD", which he did but he got no takedown.
PSUwould have challenged? I was under the impression if SC had Jimmy's leg and the cradle was locked up then in the situation on the apron then maybe not. However, SC wasn't touching his legs at one point... thought that was control myself... oh well... want to increase scoring...
I saw this clearly and it must be in the rules that it is not a takedown, else

PSUwould have challenged? I was under the impression if SC had Jimmy's leg and the cradle was locked up then in the situation on the apron then maybe not. However, SC wasn't touching his legs at one point... thought that was control myself... oh well... want to increase scoring...

I'm not a rules expert but was a cradle man. I was always taught that in order to get a takedown when you had a cradle locked, you needed to have it locked with your head on his side. If the cradle was such that you were more head to head, the ref might not deem you to be in complete control. It looked like Jimmy wasn't able to get completely to the side because he was trying to keep his foot in bounds.
Should a wrestler be awarded a takedown when he puts his opponent in a pinning combination from neutral? I'm specifically referring to Guilibon's cradle on the edge of the mat. I kept yelling at the TV, "TAKE THE HEAD", which he did but he got no takedown.

No, not in a cradle situation. There are situations where both wrestlers can cradle each other simultaneously.
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