Which year was more tumultuous for the United States: 1967 or 1968?
I always heard '68 b/c of Bobby and King being assassinated.
I always heard '68 b/c of Bobby and King being assassinated.
Which year was more tumultuous for the United States: 1967 or 1968?
I always heard '68 b/c of Bobby and King being assassinated.
'69 was a biggie too.Which year was more tumultuous for the United States: 1967 or 1968?
I always heard '68 b/c of Bobby and King being assassinated.
Also the spring of 1970 when classes at PSU were suspended following the Kent State tragedy.'69 was a biggie too.
looks like a 1.13 first semester. Fat dumb and stupid is not the way to go through life!! or so they say!! So far so good for me!1968 without a doubt.
MLK followed by RFK - everybody was upset.
LBJ decides not to run for president. Big protests/riots at Democratic Convention in Chicago.
Vietnam conflict more screwed up than ever.
Dibbs surviving tumultuous freshman year with a 3.71 spring term, raising overall average to 2.42 and advisor finally cracks a smile.
looks like a 1.13 first semester. Fat dumb and stupid is not the way to go through life!! or so they say!! So far so good for me!
Ahhh yes 3 term academic years. I do recall them.
In my day (late 1970s), you had to go for 2-3 weeks of winter term before Christmas. That led to profs assigning papers over the holiday--which were difficult as most folks were far from Pattee Library for research.I liked the trimester system. The fall trimester ended by Thanksgiving. There was a month of winter trimester before Christmas. Spring break at the end of winter trimester. Spring trimester ended by Memorial Day. Then a 10 week trimester over summer if you wanted to take classes over the summer.
Not always. The standard time for a semester class was/is 48 min (plus or minus a couple)--basically an "hour" class with time to get to the next one. As I recall, at PSU the "term" classes were about 75 min (it's been 40 years). So you are correct that, at Penn State, one trimester credit equaled a semester credit elsewhere. Schools on the quarter system (such as tOSU) did it differently. There, the class length was the same as a semester class length. So a quarter system credit was about 2/3rds of a semester credit. Semesters traditionally were 15 weeks of instruction.Late 60s,early 70s academic calendar ... Fall term started mid September and ran until early December. Winter/Christmas break went until very early January.
Winter term started early January and ran for 10 weeks. Had a week off and Spring term ran ten more weeks until first week of June.
I'm not an academician, but I think that a credit hour is the same regardless of the semester/trimester/term "schedule" that it is earned in. Under the ten week "term" system, a 3 credit hour course met 3 times per week for an hour and fifteen minutes - do the math and you have 37.5 hours of classroom time. Since I never went on a semester schedule, I imagine that the classes are shorter, maybe only meet twice/week (?) for an 18 week semester.