He's not 'waxing nostalgic' about working with segregationists. He speaks to the truth. Politics is the art of compromise. Sometimes you must work with people you don't like. It's fundamental to making democracy work...
These young whipper snappers would do well to stop with the revisionist history if they're to get the Democrat nomination. The party's base is not ready to adopt such fantasies as slave reparations, new green deal, universal basic income or that America is running 'concentration camps'. For those here who do, I suggest you get a grip. And to Sen. Michael Bennet, who are the obstructionists now!
I thank you and let's keep it real.
These young whipper snappers would do well to stop with the revisionist history if they're to get the Democrat nomination. The party's base is not ready to adopt such fantasies as slave reparations, new green deal, universal basic income or that America is running 'concentration camps'. For those here who do, I suggest you get a grip. And to Sen. Michael Bennet, who are the obstructionists now!
I thank you and let's keep it real.