Podcast Reaction to Stan Drayton Hiring + Is He An Upgrade over Ja'Juan Seider?

Yes the day after the super bowl, where 99% of America is hungover 😂, sorry for being human.

Not to mention it was actually a very good episode.
My we paint with an awful broad brush. 99% of America is hungover.....that go for surgeons, nurses, medical personnel, first responders, firemen, police officers, airline pilots, school bus drivers, bus drivers, etc.?
My we paint with an awful broad brush. 99% of America is hungover.....that go for surgeons, nurses, medical personnel, first responders, firemen, police officers, airline pilots, school bus drivers, bus drivers, etc.?
You're grasping at straws here my guy. Yes the majority of football fans spend the day partying and watching the game, a good chunk drink during said game and when you drink a good amount you can sometimes experience a hangover. I mentioned in the first sentence of the pod as a joke, it had zero effect on the episode and it was a pretty solid episode, yet here you are complaining about professionalism. I'm not here to be a robot on these podcasts like others and I do things my way. If you don't like it, then so be it plenty of other options out there for you.

Also I will say that I spent my Super Bowl hanging out and drinking with multiple first responders, but go on with your rant king.
You're grasping at straws here my guy. Yes the majority of football fans spend the day partying and watching the game, a good chunk drink during said game and when you drink a good amount you can sometimes experience a hangover. I mentioned in the first sentence of the pod as a joke, it had zero effect on the episode and it was a pretty solid episode, yet here you are complaining about professionalism. I'm not here to be a robot on these podcasts like others and I do things my way. If you don't like it, then so be it plenty of other options out there for you.

Also I will say that I spent my Super Bowl hanging out and drinking with multiple first responders, but go on with your rant king.
Your lack of professionalism and trying to pass it off as well everyone else is drunk reveals your lack of self responsibility and high level of immaturity. Congrats.
Your lack of professionalism and trying to pass it off as well everyone else is drunk reveals your lack of self responsibility and high level of immaturity. Congrats.
Buddy I hate to break it to you, but you're losing the argument here.

I'm not passing it off as everyone being drunk on Super Bowl Sunday. I made a hangover joke in the intro of a podcast on the morning after the super bowl and you're taking it way too seriously, which actually shows your level of immaturity on the entire situation, but go off buddy. End of the day if you don't like what I say on the pod, you can easily just exit out of the tab or just don't listen to our pods. It's really that simple.