RECAP: PSU starts strong after Session I of NCAAs

Tim/Others - How about a list of 1st round PSU matches by mat and time

For those who missed the first round action, if anyone has a list of the PSU wrestlers, their Mats, Match Times, etc, it would be helpful.

Or if it's possible, links to their individual ESPN3 matches, so fans could go directly to their matches.


If it's not available for the first round, perhaps some can make a list like this for the second round matches for the PSU wrestlers.

ESPN3 still has access to all the matches, as I understand it. It just takes knowing the best way to zero on on the Nittany Lions matches.
well ...

it's a little hard to do this after the fact, and also hard to do in advance.

for the R1 matches, I did indicate what mat they took place on in the R1 thread, with the exceptions being Gulibon's and LawDog's match. I don't recall what mat Gulibon wrestled on. LawDog was on mat 8.

As for times that the matches took place, you could estimate that. While R1 started at noon, the initial matches were pigtails. I think the 125 matches started around 12:15. The matches ended around 4:15 (I could be off by 15 minutes), so just divide that interval by 10, and you can figure out the approximate time of each match.

In terms of links, I don't think you can link to specific matches on ESPN3. I think you can open the link for a specific mat, and scroll through to the time you want, but that's about all can do. Perhaps there is a way to open it to a specific time, but if so I'm not aware of how to do that.

As for future matches, perhaps there is a master schedule that indicates that match XXX will be on mat ?, but if so I don't believe it's provided to the public. Pat tweets out the mat's # when a match involving a PSUer is "in the hole." In addition, TrackWrestling will show the next 2 matches on each mat. As for the time when a match will start, after the initial matches in any round, that's pretty much dependent upon how the earlier matches go (pins accelerate things, OT delays things, injury time, blood time, video review, etc. all impact the time).

Re: well ...

you can simply go to, bring up the tournament and it will keep you posted on the bouts in progress and the upcoming 2 matches for that mat. Not much of an advance warning but better than none.