As RVARZR indicated, diceman's pinned post has all the info you are seeking.
Mason Manvill and AJ Nevills verballed/signed to PSU last year. However, they are grayshirting, so they won't actually join the program until next year.
Nick Lee verballed some time ago, and elected to spend his high school senior year working out with the NLWC (and graduated from HS, using online courses, in December).
CLICK HERE for an article from when he verballed. Also,
CLICK HERE for the thread when we discovered that he verablled.
Richie McClanahan has verballed.
CLICK HERE for a thread when when we discovered that
Joey Blumer has verballed.
CLICK HERE for a thread when we learned of that
Brady Berge has verballed.
CLICK HERE for a thread when we learned of that
Will there be any more? Are we still recruiting any guys? Nobody knows, and only time will tell. All of the elite wrestlers have already verballed and most have signed their Letter Of Intent. CS and staff may still add some depth, though we usually don't learn about that until after the respective State championships, and sometimes we don't learn about a kid until the team roster is updated in September/October on