RIP Norm McDonald

This tweet inspired the song linked below named "Good versus Good". The tweet is the tweet. Everyone thinks, in their own world, that they are doing good. Even Hilter thought he was doing good in his deranged mind. Some people refer to things as "tough love". So Norm's thought was that it is not good vs bad, or bad vs bad but everything is good vs good. Quite profound (Norm graduated HS in Quebec City in his early teens, 14 IIRC).

I like this one. Norm just telling a story, which is only funny because Norm is telling the story:

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Those ManGrate commercials were the best.

Do yourself a favor and check out the three seasons of Norm Macdonald Live. I believe they are on Netflix made him pull him from YouTube several years ago when he landed his show there. I hope they come back to YouTube because they were flat out hilarious with great interviews. The Gilbert Gottfried episodes were especially great.