RIP Ray Fosse

They will always be the Tribe to me. Call me what you want, but I grew up going to Municipal Stadium every year.
Always Sunday doubleheaders.
He’ll always be remembered for Pete Rose’s ASS. BEATING. o_O in 1970.


Probably not fair. R.I.P.
What exactly are the guardians guardianing? Lake Erie? Mediocrity? Whatever.

Me too, lived there in the fifties. Rocky Colavito.
Vic Davalillo & Daddy Wags Wagner
My dad liked the KC A's and it seemed as if they always played a DH with Cleveland. Was fascinated when the A's would change their uniforms between games. Had my first footlong hotdog there. Still have a bat from bat day. Could you imagine bat day today?
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Ray Fosse was one of MANY reasons why I despise Pete Rose.

He was one of great catchers in the decade of great catchers -- Fisk, Bench, Munson -- until Pete Rose ended his career with an unnecessary targeting penalty.
Was a better player than Carlton Fisk until injured.
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But Fosse was blocking the plate.

What was Rose supposed to do…concede an out?
Everyone bitching about Pete Rose would have loved him on their own team. The guy played flat out. The play in 1980 exemplified how he played on the field - how many other 1st basemen are even in the vicinity of Bob Boone to catch his mistake

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Look at the Cub 3rd base coach(?). Tell me he doesn't got the wood on watching that develop. That's the way the game was played.
It was well over the top, typical Pete Rose, all out of proportion to the time and place. The All Star Game is an exhibition game, for goodness sake. It's not a life-or-death, do-or-die game, unless you're a buffoon like Pete Rose. He could have slid, but he saw that Fosse was defenseless and he committed a horrific targeting foul. That was Rose, completely out of synch with the realities of life. Like running out a base on balls, which was pure showboating, or betting on games in which his team had a duty to perform, which was a blatant violation of Rule 21.D. And then never apologizing for sliming the game that he supposedly loved. He still lives his sorry life in every casino in Las Vegas. Pete Rose is a despicable piece of excrement.
It was well over the top, typical Pete Rose, all out of proportion to the time and place. The All Star Game is an exhibition game, for goodness sake. It's not a life-or-death, do-or-die game, unless you're a buffoon like Pete Rose. He could have slid, but he saw that Fosse was defenseless and he committed a horrific targeting foul. That was Rose, completely out of synch with the realities of life. Like running out a base on balls, which was pure showboating, or betting on games in which his team had a duty to perform, which was a blatant violation of Rule 21.D. And then never apologizing for sliming the game that he supposedly loved. He still lives his sorry life in every casino in Las Vegas. Pete Rose is a despicable piece of excrement.
Meh, players actually tried in all star games back then. Why was Fosse bothering to block the plate if the game didn’t matter?
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Burning river
The team is named after 4 large figures that are a part of the Detroit-Superior bridge in Cleveland. They symbolize progress and safety. That said, I think the name is stupid. The name "Indians" was originally chosen to honor native Americans. Times have changed.
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Meh, players actually tried in all star games back then. Why was Fosse bothering to block the plate if the game didn’t matter?
IMHO, Fosse was not blocking the plate. He was going for the ball. Anyway you look at it, it was a cheap shot. As a former baseball and basketball player, I don't mind tough play but I hate cheap shots. And I hate what Rose did there.
I forgot that the play happened during an All Star game and not the playoffs; hence the reason why the 3rd base coach has a white uniform and the catcher a gray uni.

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It was well over the top, typical Pete Rose, all out of proportion to the time and place. The All Star Game is an exhibition game, for goodness sake. It's not a life-or-death, do-or-die game, unless you're a buffoon like Pete Rose. He could have slid, but he saw that Fosse was defenseless and he committed a horrific targeting foul. That was Rose, completely out of synch with the realities of life. Like running out a base on balls, which was pure showboating, or betting on games in which his team had a duty to perform, which was a blatant violation of Rule 21.D. And then never apologizing for sliming the game that he supposedly loved. He still lives his sorry life in every casino in Las Vegas. Pete Rose is a despicable piece of excrement.

I think Rose just has compulsions and obsessions and his behavior from that manifests both good and bad. I wouldn't say running to 1st base on a walk...apparently every walk for a quarter century as a pro showboating. Showboating is when you try to get a lot of response while doing just a little. Running to 1st base after you walk in the 8th inning of a 7-1 game in the middle of August when you're 14 games out of first place and there are 12,000 people in the stands isn't showboating. I think Rose just has some OCD, which helped him be a great ballplayers but also a crappy person at times.

As far as the Fosse thing goes, I don't know why catchers were ever allowed to block the plate in the first place. You're not allowed to block runners at other bases, so why home? It seems kinda ridiculous to have it in the first place.
IMHO, Fosse was not blocking the plate. He was going for the ball. Anyway you look at it, it was a cheap shot. As a former baseball and basketball player, I don't mind tough play but I hate cheap shots. And I hate what Rose did there.
He was clearly blocking the plate without the ball. The video is clear as day. Sucks for Fosse, but the all star game was played for keeps back then. Even Dave Witvoet could see he was blocking the plate

He was clearly blocking the plate without the ball. The video is clear as day. Sucks for Fosse, but the all star game was played for keeps back then. Even Dave Witvoet could see he was blocking the plate

I remember hearing once where Pete Rose was personal friends with Fosse, and even got together with him the night before the game. Yes it was a different time. I also remember hearing an anecdote about Roberto Clemente, long after his death, that he refused to be part of a commercial where he intentionally made an out-might have been him being thrown out at a base. In hindsight, with a focus in most sports about preventing unnecessary injury even in contact sports, I'd like to hear a discussion between the parties involved in some of these situations....I make no claims about whether any shared understanding could be reached.
By the way, I also remember Pete Rose when he was at the top of his game, in a Play Boy interview, remarking about black players doing commercials....correct me if I am wrong but I think it went something like 'Would seeing a commercial with Dave Parker eating a piece of pizza make you want to buy that brand?'...again I may have the sequence of phrasing incorrect, but his words stuck with me, especially being a Pirate fan. That and his other antics cemented him as being a classic and classless POS in my mind, not that that alone would eliminate him as a respected and talented player worthy of recognition for his player...he did much more to take that privilege and honor away from himself...again my opinion, but worth conversation which I welcome.
I remember hearing once where Pete Rose was personal friends with Fosse, and even got together with him the night before the game. Yes it was a different time. I also remember hearing an anecdote about Roberto Clemente, long after his death, that he refused to be part of a commercial where he intentionally made an out-might have been him being thrown out at a base. In hindsight, with a focus in most sports about preventing unnecessary injury even in contact sports, I'd like to hear a discussion between the parties involved in some of these situations....I make no claims about whether any shared understanding could be reached.
By the way, I also remember Pete Rose when he was at the top of his game, in a Play Boy interview, remarking about black players doing commercials....correct me if I am wrong but I think it went something like 'Would seeing a commercial with Dave Parker eating a piece of pizza make you want to buy that brand?'...again I may have the sequence of phrasing incorrect, but his words stuck with me, especially being a Pirate fan. That and his other antics cemented him as being a classic and classless POS in my mind, not that that alone would eliminate him as a respected and talented player worthy of recognition for his player...he did much more to take that privilege and honor away from himself...again my opinion, but worth conversation which I welcome.

Not entirely sure that Rose and Fosse were friends. The two and Sam McDowell did have dinner together before the game, but how that came about is anyone's guess.

Some of Rose's justifications for the collision are mind-boggling. One was that he had to do it because his father was in the stands. Also maintained that if he hadn't bowled Fosse over no one would have ever heard of Fosse. Pathetic, just as Petie is.
Quit trying to justify giving giving someone a life altering concussion in an All Star Game. If you are a Penn State Alum I'd like to think you are better than that. It was an a freaking exhibition game cheap shot is all it was.
Nah, it wasn’t treated as an exhibition in those days. It wasn’t a concussion that damaged Fosse, it was his shoulder. If I remember it correctly.
Was it over the top by Rose? Yeah, probably.
He was clearly blocking the plate without the ball. The video is clear as day. Sucks for Fosse, but the all star game was played for keeps back then. Even Dave Witvoet could see he was blocking the plate

agree he was blocking the plate without the ball. My question is why this particular clip?

Intentional or coincidental? 🤷‍♂️
I have one thing to say to Pete Rose. Bud Harrelson!! Yes, at 5’ 6” 155lbs he got the last shot.
Don't forget Sudden Sam.
Chuck Hinton was a part-time catcher for the Indians who played at the golf course I worked. He told me within incredulity one time that Sam began a game with four change-ups. For the many here who have probably never heard of him Sam had an extremely good fastball as well as other pitches. 1 year, he had an ERA of 1.92.
But Fosse was blocking the plate.

What was Rose supposed to do…concede an out?
He could have done any number of things to lessen the collision or avoid an injury. In light of the big picture, conceding the out is not a big deal. Very few people look down on Jack Nicklaus for conceding a putt to Tony Jacklin which led to a tie in the Ryder cup, where the United States still retained the cup.
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