Roar's Key(s) to Success


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
Every year, the key(s) is/are presented, and discussed. By the numbers, PSU is "more favored" this year than any Penn State team ever. For that reason, I've boiled down my key(s) to success for winning the championship to one, very simple item;

(1) Wrestle to your seed, Placement Points are the only "key" this year.

Simple enough. Bonus Points, imo, SHOULD only affect margin of victory. Bonus Points have their place, as wrestling with purpose, wresting with effort, are not things that should be turned on and off. The guys absolutely should go out and score a lot of points, which means "HAVE FUN".

That said, there is some margin of error this year, even if the guys don't wrestle EXACTLY to seed. Depends on how other teams wrestle, of course, but even if every PSU guy misses by one placement spot, compared to seed, the total team impact is about 22 points, still in all likelihood enough to win.
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Interestingly enough last year, it was said OSU would get us by placement and we had to outbonus them but it ended up being the same story.

I looked at NCAAs points by category last year and the obviously difference was the hammers we had that made it to Saturday night.


Bonus: 24 vs 23.5 (Yes, they outbonused us! Thanks to an injury default for NATO and a medical forfeit for BoJo)

Advancement: 31.5 to 28

Placement: 79 vs 91 (there was the difference! 4 Champs 1 Runner up to 1 Champ 1 runner up)

EDIT: Oh and I totally forgot. Minus 1 for both Bo and Snyder for throwing the headgears ahaha

My friend said nobody felt worse on Saturday night than MyMar and I disagreed, MyMar fully did his part and got to the finals and had a nice move that wins the match for him against any wrestler but Bo Nickal. The burden of beating Bo Nickal to keep your team hopes alive is just astronomical. Obviously MyMar probably was at his lowest moment as a wrestler but still .. it was a team effort and I think everyone knew the burden was on him because they came up short in the previous 5 sessions.

I think in the order of feeling bad it went:

1. KeShawn Hayes (if he had beaten Heilmann, he places Top 6, instead he got fed to Sorensen in blood rounds. To lose in rideouts and lose out on 7 points)

2. Micah Jordan (couldn't win a single match after getting torn apart by Nolf. Nolf did more than knock Micah out of the champions bracket, he was demoralized the rest of that weekend. If he had beaten Berger in SV then he places 3rd after a KemDawg Injury Default)

3. Kollin Moore (lost twice to Conel, I'm not 100% sure he makes the finals even if he gets past Conel though, Michael Macchiavello did beat him in the dual. However, if he did get past him, he wins. He was 2-0 against Jared Haught, both by Fall)
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