Sara Ganim no longer at CNN


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2015
Pulitzer Prize winner Sara Ganim has left CNN to work on a book and a documentary film project. I am guessing that her new work will not involve the Sandusky/Penn State fiasco as she is loath to discuss her sources and methods that won her the prize.

She won the Pulitzer for local reporting, but I didn't see any brilliance in her doing the bidding for the prosecution. Her career at CNN has been pretty unremarkable. Who knows, she may become a star at the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, but I doubt it.
Pulitzer Prize winner Sara Ganim has left CNN to work on a book and a documentary film project. I am guessing that her new work will not involve the Sandusky/Penn State fiasco as she is loath to discuss her sources and methods that won her the prize.

She won the Pulitzer for local reporting, but I didn't see any brilliance in her doing the bidding for the prosecution. Her career at CNN has been pretty unremarkable. Who knows, she may become a star at the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, but I doubt it.
Surprised she lasted this long. She was a one-shot-wonder by stumbling into the Sandusky story.
She didn't "stumble into it". She was handed it by the prosecutors who played her like Pinochio.

Given your post and what some have implied as to how sara got her inside ( :eek: ) information, I am reminded of this line by Andrew Dice Clay:

“I’ve got a game we can play. It’s called Pinocchio. You sit on my face and I tell lies.
It’s a lot of fun.”

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She didn't "stumble into it". She was handed it by the prosecutors who played her like Pinochio.

What’s really interesting is that a woman named Judy Fox claimed that Dawn Fisher (the mother of so-called “Victim 1”) told her that Sara Ganim was able to get her information because she was sleeping with someone in the OAGs office.

Ms. Fox originally helped Dawn organize a rally in support of her son, but became convinced the whole thing was a fraud after witnessing Dawn’s bizarre behavior.

Regardless of what your opinion is of the man conducting the interview, I do not see what possible incentive Ms. Fox has to lie here. And there’s certainly no way Dawn would have lied to Judy as that would be slandering one of her biggest advocates!

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Pulitzer Prize winner Sara Ganim has left CNN to work on a book and a documentary film project. I am guessing that her new work will not involve the Sandusky/Penn State fiasco as she is loath to discuss her sources and methods that won her the prize.

She won the Pulitzer for local reporting, but I didn't see any brilliance in her doing the bidding for the prosecution. Her career at CNN has been pretty unremarkable. Who knows, she may become a star at the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, but I doubt it.
Just to complete your post:


Maybe a 6 on a 10 scale.
Just to complete your post:


Maybe a 6 on a 10 scale.

That photo must have been taken after the CNN transformation. Prior to that she was about 20 pounds heavier and didn't have a professional make-up artist to get her dolled up.

I can't wait to see the crayon drawings in her upcoming book.
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Pulitzer Prize winner Sara Ganim has left CNN to work on a book and a documentary film project. I am guessing that her new work will not involve the Sandusky/Penn State fiasco as she is loath to discuss her sources and methods that won her the prize.

She won the Pulitzer for local reporting, but I didn't see any brilliance in her doing the bidding for the prosecution. Her career at CNN has been pretty unremarkable. Who knows, she may become a star at the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, but I doubt it.

And I was hoping she was a victim of a snowplow hit-&-run!

Too bad but winter is coming!!

Given your post and what some have implied as to how sara got her inside ( :eek: ) information, I am reminded of this line by Andrew Dice Clay:

“I’ve got a game we can play. It’s called Pinocchio. You sit on my face and I tell lies.
It’s a lot of fun.”


I prefer his "jack and jill went up the hill each with a buck and quarter. Jill came down with 2.50. They didn't go up for water... yo what a whore"
Pulitzer Prize winner Sara Ganim has left CNN to work on a book and a documentary film project. I am guessing that her new work will not involve the Sandusky/Penn State fiasco as she is loath to discuss her sources and methods that won her the prize.

She won the Pulitzer for local reporting, but I didn't see any brilliance in her doing the bidding for the prosecution. Her career at CNN has been pretty unremarkable. Who knows, she may become a star at the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, but I doubt it.
It’s tough to peak professionally at 23. She won a Pulitzer and thousands in the profession would kill for one.
It’s tough to peak professionally at 23. She won a Pulitzer and thousands in the profession would kill for one.

Her best/only shot was to rope in an investment banker or hedge fund 30-something and retire to a life of hot yoga days and Hamptons summers, but she’s a New York 4, so that was less likely than her succeeding at CNN.
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Her best/only shot was to rope in an investment banker or hedge fund 30-something and retire to a life of hot yoga days and Hamptons summers, but she’s a New York 4, so that was less likely than her succeeding at CNN.
Last I heard, she was dating or engaged to a corporate lawyer in NYC.

I’m no Ganim fan, but she’s doing ok based on starting at the CDT or wherever. I’m sure her book will do alright and she’ll end up way better off in life than had the JS story never happened.
What’s really interesting is that a woman named Judy Fox claimed that Dawn Fisher (the mother of so-called “Victim 1”) told her that Sara Ganim was able to get her information because she was sleeping with someone in the OAGs office.

Ms. Fox originally helped Dawn organize a rally in support of her son, but became convinced the whole thing was a fraud after witnessing Dawn’s bizarre behavior.

Regardless of what your opinion is of the man conducting the interview, I do not see what possible incentive Ms. Fox has to lie here. And there’s certainly no way Dawn would have lied to Judy as that would be slandering one of her biggest advocates!

Judy Fox is an excellent character witness for Aaron and Dawn. She became involved in the saga by helping to rally support for Aaron, the alleged CSA victim, but became aware that something was amiss when she observed Dawn in action. She is one of over a dozen people who know Aaron and Dawn the best (aunts, best friends, girlfirends, parents of friends, next door neighbors etc.) who have gone on the record in their own name and have said that they don't believe Aaron when he said that he was abused by Sandusky.
Pulitzer Prize winner Sara Ganim has left CNN to work on a book and a documentary film project. I am guessing that her new work will not involve the Sandusky/Penn State fiasco as she is loath to discuss her sources and methods that won her the prize.

She won the Pulitzer for local reporting, but I didn't see any brilliance in her doing the bidding for the prosecution. Her career at CNN has been pretty unremarkable. Who knows, she may become a star at the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, but I doubt it.

I’m shocked...shocked that Sara Ganim did not work out at CNN.
Last I heard, she was dating or engaged to a corporate lawyer in NYC.

I’m no Ganim fan, but she’s doing ok based on starting at the CDT or wherever. I’m sure her book will do alright and she’ll end up way better off in life than had the JS story never happened.

I beg to differ. I don't think history will be very nice to Sara for her role in the fiasco. She clearly was an OAG stooge and was integral to the railroading of Paterno, Spanier, Curley, Schultz, and Sandusky.
I beg to differ. I don't think history will be very nice to Sara for her role in the fiasco. She clearly was an OAG stooge and was integral to the railroading of Paterno, Spanier, Curley, Schultz, and Sandusky.
You’re way more attuned to this than the average person. Sara is in NY or wherever. 99.9% of people she interacts with will refer to her as a Pulitzer winning journalist, not the shill she was in the JS fiasco.

The mainstream isn’t interested in the truth or some version of it. JS is 100% guilty of some of those crimes. He’s generally where he belongs. The collateral damage to Joe, the University community and others is the real shame.

No retroactive shaming of Ganim will change that, sadly.
You’re way more attuned to this than the average person. Sara is in NY or wherever. 99.9% of people she interacts with will refer to her as a Pulitzer winning journalist, not the shill she was in the JS fiasco.

The mainstream isn’t interested in the truth or some version of it. JS is 100% guilty of some of those crimes. He’s generally where he belongs. The collateral damage to Joe, the University community and others is the real shame.

No retroactive shaming of Ganim will change that, sadly.
Don't disagree with most of what you say. But the fact hat Lois Lame's contract expired at CNN and they nor any other major concern beat a path to her door tells a tale. Didn't she just have a child?
She sold her soul twice actually (using bicycle Bernie) as a source the second time around....goes to prove ( to me at least) that she has no character and marginal talent at best.
JS is 100% guilty of some of those crimes? BS. Name one. That is a ridiculous assumption on your part. The entire case is based on Aaron Fisher and Mike McQueary. They have both been proven to be complete frauds. If JS was ever granted a fair trial he would be vindicated. Ganim is another fraud and one more of the countless data points showing what a charade the entire JS matter is. It is impossible to look at the totality of this case and believe JS is a pedophile.

You’re way more attuned to this than the average person. Sara is in NY or wherever. 99.9% of people she interacts with will refer to her as a Pulitzer winning journalist, not the shill she was in the JS fiasco.

The mainstream isn’t interested in the truth or some version of it. JS is 100% guilty of some of those crimes. He’s generally where he belongs. The collateral damage to Joe, the University community and others is the real shame.

No retroactive shaming of Ganim will change that, sadly.
You’re way more attuned to this than the average person. Sara is in NY or wherever. 99.9% of people she interacts with will refer to her as a Pulitzer winning journalist, not the shill she was in the JS fiasco.

The mainstream isn’t interested in the truth or some version of it. JS is 100% guilty of some of those crimes. He’s generally where he belongs. The collateral damage to Joe, the University community and others is the real shame.

No retroactive shaming of Ganim will change that, sadly.

I agree that the mainstream media isn't interested in the truth. JS may be guilty of being naive and using questionable judgment, but imho it is not at all clear that he is guilty of any crime. Of the 36 claimants that Penn State made settlements with, I don't find any of them particularly credible. The 3 most damning accusations are from v1, v2, and v4 and all 3 have huge holes as articulated by Malcolm Gladwell.
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If JS was ever granted a fair trial he would be vindicated.

Does anyone believe that he will ever get a new trial? Seems to me those are tough to come by even when it seems to be a no brainer. I often fall asleep watching Forensic Files and case after case of people rotting in jail until finally some miracle happens. Plenty of prosecutor misconduct to make you wonder if anyone ever gets a fair trial.
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Does anyone believe that he will ever get a new trial? Seems to me those are tough to come by even when it seems to be a no brainer. I often fall asleep watching Forensic Files and case after case of people rotting in jail until finally some miracle happens. Plenty of prosecutor misconduct to make you wonder if anyone ever gets a fair trial.

I think there is a reasonable chance that his habeus corpus appeal at the federal level gains some traction. There is a very strong record of evidence that he was railroaded and that there were multiple instances of prosecutorial misconduct. Sandusky seems to be holding up pretty well considering what he has been through. Once Spanier is completely exonerated which shouldn’t be that long, Sandusky will have a much stronger case. I hope he gets an opportunity to make his case that he is a victim of an injustice in his lifetime.
Ganin was on CNN about two years ago when two guys claimed they had heard an assistant coach express suspicion about Sandusky. The claims were in an insurance action of some type and were not, in any way, substantiated. Ganin said she knew about these claims 4 years ago. I waited for the obvious question from the interviewer, “why didn’t you raise this issue then?” It never came so the public never heard the answer which was, “the police investigated this and determined the claims were not credible”. A diplomatic way to say they were lies. How can any responsible journalist raise this issue without providing this information?
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As francofan posted, Ganim is no longer at CNN. And as his link to an article announced, this past June she joined the U of Florida College of Journalism & Communications as a Hearst Journalism Fellow. The year before in May of 2018, she married Daniel Cevallos, a legal correspondent for MSNBC. Later that same year she gave birth to a daughter.
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As francofan posted, Ganim is no longer at CNN. And as his link to an article announced, this past June she joined the U of Florida College of Journalism & Communications as a Hearst Journalism Fellow. The year before in May of 2018, she married Daniel Cevallos, a legal correspondent for MSNBC. Later that same year she gave birth to a daughter.

How can we be sure that HE is really the father Sara??
Pulitzer Prize winner Sara Ganim has left CNN to work on a book and a documentary film project. I am guessing that her new work will not involve the Sandusky/Penn State fiasco as she is loath to discuss her sources and methods that won her the prize.

She won the Pulitzer for local reporting, but I didn't see any brilliance in her doing the bidding for the prosecution. Her career at CNN has been pretty unremarkable. Who knows, she may become a star at the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, but I doubt it.

Who cares?
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Given your post and what some have implied as to how sara got her inside ( :eek: ) information, I am reminded of this line by Andrew Dice Clay:

“I’ve got a game we can play. It’s called Pinocchio. You sit on my face and I tell lies.
It’s a lot of fun.”
