Schembechler knew his football players were being molested, told them to "toughen up." | UPDATE: FORCED SPERM SAMPLES

I can only speak for my viewpoint. I've learned to be skeptical about sound bytes and headlines. For instance, Bo's "son." Do they mean the "adopted son" of Bo's first wife? The "son" who sued Bo and UofM 21 years ago? Are we believing him anymore than we believe Matt Sandusky? Surely this loving son isn't looking for money is he?
Everything that is written on this thread is merely a replica of what other message boards wrote about Joe and PSU. It just doesn't make me feel better to see the same smear used on someone else. I'm sorry, I really wish I could revel in it. It only makes me sad that the very people that torched Joe and PSU are still prominent and with the exception of Corbett and Fina, actually appear to be unscathed. Frazier, Peetz, Tsar Ira the Terrible, Judas on and on. Face it....someone could find a movie of Bo and Anderson in a tryst with a student and it wouldn't undo what Surma and company did to Joe.....who was completely innocent. I would love the opportunity to pummel those OGBOT bastards with my fists until my 71 year old arms couldn't throw anymore punches....but I can't muster up rage directed at a dead Michigan Coach.....who could possibly be being Paternoed.
I think most agree with you in principle. It’s more the double standard that irks people.

The shoe is now on the other foot and Michigan fans suddenly want different standards and different treatment from what they demanded in 2011.

They are either ignoring the issue as if it’s no big deal or hypocritically calling for due process and presumption of innocence.

I think it’s fair for PSU fans to call out their hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of the entire Big Ten conference regarding the silence over similar scandals at Ohio State, Michigan State, and Michigan.
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The former star running back wants the university, Big Ten and NCAA to contribute $50 million each "to provide the seed capital for an independent nonprofit specifically created to eradicate the enabling and institutional complicity which results in the culture of abuse and rape against both students and athletes at the University of Michigan and the other Big Ten universities."

He also called upon the university to release "every single document related to every person either involved or affected by sexual abuse at the University of Michigan" to the public.

"For example, open up my personal records and show me the chain of custody of where my sperm samples I was forced to give under the hocus-pocus guise of medical treatment and research," Vaughn said.
How screwed up is the state of Michigan?

Players have asked the Michigan Attorney General to investigate the sexual abuse at Michigan because they believe the university’s internal investigation was insufficient. The state AG then says that she can’t investigate the university of Michigan unless their Board of Regents asks her to.

Are you kidding me?
I’m sorry- didn’t I read earlier that the Michigan AD DID fire Anderson after being informed of the abuse by Bo’s wife and adopted son but Schembechler got angry and demanded Dr. Anderson be reinstated anyway?

Also, if true, then didn’t this former Michigan student announcer just admit that Bo did, in fact, know about Anderson’s abuse and did nothing?

Plus, even if the AD did nothing, that didn’t exonerate Schembechler, right? He had a moral obligation to call the police knowing what he knew.
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If you let Desmond Howard get away with any of this, i'll go ape. He needs to go down. He never gave us a chance. He doesn't deserve to be a sports reporter. There is no room for that kind of hypocrisy in the media. If the media destroyed JOE? We will crush Desmond. I'll join a new industry to ensure it. Kirk is next. We'll go after Michigan state third. And if THIS is happening in the Big 10, you better wait to see what happens in the SEC. I'm tired of this. We need to stand up for PSU and JOE even more so when our BOT did even worse. They fed us to the fire and worse, they fed Joe first. If I wind up in a chimney antic and none of you can see these posts-it was the PSU BOT. If you can have some idiot write for the USA Today make these comments and she writes for the USA Today like thats a newspaper, the come get me. I dare you.
The former star running back wants the university, Big Ten and NCAA to contribute $50 million each "to provide the seed capital for an independent nonprofit specifically created to eradicate the enabling and institutional complicity which results in the culture of abuse and rape against both students and athletes at the University of Michigan and the other Big Ten universities."

He also called upon the university to release "every single document related to every person either involved or affected by sexual abuse at the University of Michigan" to the public.

"For example, open up my personal records and show me the chain of custody of where my sperm samples I was forced to give under the hocus-pocus guise of medical treatment and research," Vaughn said.

Wow. This gets darker with every turn.
The former star running back wants the university, Big Ten and NCAA to contribute $50 million each………
Funny (not really) stuff. Penn State was forced to make a “contribution” (aka - fine) while the other Big Ten members and NCAA looked down their collective nose. If the conference does donate anything, it can rebate to Penn State the 1/14 already paid.

EDIT: The more I think about a proposal to have the B1G contribute money the more it pisses me off. In 2012 they wanted Penn State to solely fund an initiative to combat abuse. What was the conference going to contribute? Squat. Now someone wants the conference to throw millions at a problem created by U of Michigan. So now the B1G is supposed to help make right a problem cause by the U of Michigan? Or OSU? Or MSU?
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I can only speak for my viewpoint. I've learned to be skeptical about sound bytes and headlines. For instance, Bo's "son." Do they mean the "adopted son" of Bo's first wife? The "son" who sued Bo and UofM 21 years ago? Are we believing him anymore than we believe Matt Sandusky? Surely this loving son isn't looking for money is he?
Everything that is written on this thread is merely a replica of what other message boards wrote about Joe and PSU. It just doesn't make me feel better to see the same smear used on someone else. I'm sorry, I really wish I could revel in it. It only makes me sad that the very people that torched Joe and PSU are still prominent and with the exception of Corbett and Fina, actually appear to be unscathed. Frazier, Peetz, Tsar Ira the Terrible, Judas on and on. Face it....someone could find a movie of Bo and Anderson in a tryst with a student and it wouldn't undo what Surma and company did to Joe.....who was completely innocent. I would love the opportunity to pummel those OGBOT bastards with my fists until my 71 year old arms couldn't throw anymore punches....but I can't muster up rage directed at a dead Michigan Coach.....who could possibly be being Paternoed.
All excellent points. I, too, am willing to give Bo the benefit of the doubt both he and Joe deserved. Due process should win the day. Im not at all disappointed in an endgame that we haven’t even seen yet. Rather, as I mentioned before, I’m very disappointed in the kid glove treatment with which meatchicken and tosu are being treated during the process compared to PSU. Where’s the public outrage? Where are the cries to burn those schools to the ground? Why were we held to such a higher standard than the big 2 in the court of public opinion?
And yet, relative radio silence from those who burned University Park to the ground. Very curious…and infuriating.
Then MSU president, the disgraced Louann Simon, seemed to enjoy ripping Penn State in 2012. Turned out she and people like her at other B1G schools were doing FAR worse things. I won't hold my breath waiting for current B1G school administrators to belittle MSU, OSU, or Michigan.
Granted, I've never been raped so I could be way off. But I find it fascinating how many people were taught at a young age when you get raped make sure you tell a football coach and when nothing comes of it just shrug it off for 30 years
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Now that the family has spoken up, they'll all be slandered too right? Isn't that how it's supposed to work?
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Assume the power that be knew in this case and all others and if you're a betting man you won't be losing money. Penn State included. what grates me is them attacking us , mainly to get a leg up. Because it was happening there too. Same as MSU. Why all the focus on PSU, but ignoring this???
As I've said before, due process is key in all cases. No one should jump to conclusions about Michigan just as no one should have jumped to conclusions about PSU.

However, when comparing the two cases several things jump out, which if the allegations are true, make Michigan FAR, FAR worse than PSU.

1) The number of alleged victims is larger, at least by one order of magnitude, in the Michigan case.

2) The alleged abuser at Michigan was committing crimes under the guise of his duties as an employee of the school. PSU's alleged abuser is not alleged to have committed any crimes while acting in his official capacity, and was not, in fact, employed by PSU for many of the allegations.

3) The alleged victims in the Michigan case were Michigan students. Zero alleged victims at PSU were PSU students or a had any affiliation with PSU.

4) Many (most?) of the alleged victims at Michigan were student-athletes. This makes this an NCAA (student safety issue). Zero alleged victims at PSU were student-athletes.

If someone was outraged at the PSU issue, the should be 100 times more outraged at Michigan. Or they can admit that they got it completely wrong in the PSU case, and wait until due process occurs in the Michigan case.
As I've said before, due process is key in all cases. No one should jump to conclusions about Michigan just as no one should have jumped to conclusions about PSU.

However, when comparing the two cases several things jump out, which if the allegations are true, make Michigan FAR, FAR worse than PSU.

1) The number of alleged victims is larger, at least by one order of magnitude, in the Michigan case.

2) The alleged abuser at Michigan was committing crimes under the guise of his duties as an employee of the school. PSU's alleged abuser is not alleged to have committed any crimes while acting in his official capacity, and was not, in fact, employed by PSU for many of the allegations.

3) The alleged victims in the Michigan case were Michigan students. Zero alleged victims at PSU were PSU students or a had any affiliation with PSU.

4) Many (most?) of the alleged victims at Michigan were student-athletes. This makes this an NCAA (student safety issue). Zero alleged victims at PSU were student-athletes.

If someone was outraged at the PSU issue, the should be 100 times more outraged at Michigan. Or they can admit that they got it completely wrong in the PSU case, and wait until due process occurs in the Michigan case.
This is a great post. All of these other scandals post PSU were MUCH more direct reflections on the University then the PSU case was.

Here is the the bottom line. The involvement of coaches in these stories is almost entirely media and litigious attorney generated. I mean if you guys remember, there was even an attempt at one point to take down Mark D'antonio and Tom Izzo during the Lassar fiasco. It's absolutely incredible the attempt to manufacture these stories to generate public interest.
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I’m sorry- didn’t I read earlier that the Michigan AD DID fire Anderson after being informed of the abuse by Bo’s wife and adopted son but Schembechler got angry and demanded Dr. Anderson be reinstated anyway?

Also, if true, then didn’t this former Michigan student announcer just admit that Bo did, in fact, know about Anderson’s abuse and did nothing?

Plus, even if the AD did nothing, that didn’t exonerate Schembechler, right? He had a moral obligation to call the police knowing what he knew.
That's what Frank Noonan said....
The former star running back wants the university, Big Ten and NCAA to contribute $50 million each "to provide the seed capital for an independent nonprofit specifically created to eradicate the enabling and institutional complicity which results in the culture of abuse and rape against both students and athletes at the University of Michigan and the other Big Ten universities."

He also called upon the university to release "every single document related to every person either involved or affected by sexual abuse at the University of Michigan" to the public.

"For example, open up my personal records and show me the chain of custody of where my sperm samples I was forced to give under the hocus-pocus guise of medical treatment and research," Vaughn said.
We already made our down payment that the BIG extorted from our bowl revenue. So there's that! PSU doesn't owe the BIG anything, but they owe us much that we'll never see.
Granted, I've never been raped so I could be way off. But I find it fascinating how many people were taught at a young age when you get raped make sure you tell a football coach and when nothing comes of it just shrug it off for 30 years
That football coach was his "father". And rape victims -- particularly male -- are often very reluctant to come forward even to family members for a variety of reasons.

Sexual abuse counselors could talk all day about the dynamics of this, but hiding these things for years and even decades isn't unusual. And they were probably not "taught" to do that.
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