Republican House passes bill, All Republicans. but 3, in Senate vote for bill. Dems in Senate vote against the bill as a block (demanding non-budget DACA concessions) = Republicans', TRUMP Shutdown. After all Republicans control House, Senate and WH=====> their fault. (60 vote requirement notwithstanding) Lib to love it...
Oh, yeah, Scummer had to add that the Republicans are playing one group of needy CHILDREN off against another....he couldn't resist that.....
Scummer, it's the SCHUMER SHUTDOWN.....not everybody is in the shitter with you and your alt-left buddies
Oh, yeah, Scummer had to add that the Republicans are playing one group of needy CHILDREN off against another....he couldn't resist that.....
Scummer, it's the SCHUMER SHUTDOWN.....not everybody is in the shitter with you and your alt-left buddies