Shaka Toneys sister exposes Franklin...

So how does that statement, assuming it was made, "expose" Franklin? Are you (or the person who supposedly made that statement) asserting that Franklin makes little or no effort to develop his recruits, regardless of their star rating? I have to honk the B.S. horn on THAT one. What possible reason would Franklin have for doing so?

And your authoritative source is Shaka Toney's sister? C'mon ...
So how does that statement, assuming it was made, "expose" Franklin? Are you (or the person who supposedly made that statement) asserting that Franklin makes little or no effort to develop his recruits, regardless of their star rating? I have to honk the B.S. horn on THAT one. What possible reason would Franklin have for doing so?

And your authoritative source is Shaka Toney's sister? C'mon ...
Who is closer to the program? You or her?
And the post is legit. It's all over the 247 board.
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The tweet read, "Jewish people will literally tell you that they want you to kill your own and humiliate your women simply because they have children to feed."

That is pretty bad. And I don't understand what the context is but really doesn't matter.

And when did Kanye West change his name to Ye and why?

Perhaps the first time I’ve ever pulled for a Philadelphia team as the Astros are just cheaters. They seem like a good team of guys, for the most part.

Per Twitter,

"Players have to be developed 4 and 5 star players have to be developed correctly. Nutrition, weight room, strategy and most importantly football IQ"
Toney was like 185lbs when he came to PSU. He put on a fair amount of weight and size
So why did Hakeem Beamin lose 40 pounds? Why are psu defenders always out of position?
Football i.q. that's why
Beamon had an illness. Do you think Franklin caused the illness? The topic was Toney. I followed his recruitment pretty closely. He even visited Pitt after verbaling to Penn State. He was small and a project. I think he ended up putting on a fair amount of weight and muscle at Penn State. I’m not really debating the other topics here currently focusing on Franklin. Also, there is some bad blood between the family and Penn State. They had a Twitter post
while Toney was in college that expressed frustration with his playing time.
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So how does that statement, assuming it was made, "expose" Franklin? Are you (or the person who supposedly made that statement) asserting that Franklin makes little or no effort to develop his recruits, regardless of their star rating? I have to honk the B.S. horn on THAT one. What possible reason would Franklin have for doing so?

And your authoritative source is Shaka Toney's sister? C'mon ...
I personally don't care about the quote or who made it but if you follow this program and Franklin, he has a demonstrated preference for position coaches (the ones that develop talent) that recruit more than they coach. He has made a couple of moves recently that have demonstrated he may be getting the need for balance by hiring Poindexter and Stubblefield but the rest of the staff is heavy on recruiters, light on developers. Heck, look at the distribution of jobs. With the exception of a couple of individuals, linebacker play has been an issue since Paterno/O'Brien holders graduated. Coincidently, we have had a true linebackers coach since 2015. Look at the amount of receiver talent that we squandered when Gattis was the position coach. Gattis is a horrible position coach and a horrible coordinator. Kind of like Franklin and Rahne really. He is very likely to make a solid head coach though. We have had too many of those guys around this program. Everyone knows this. It is why the results on the field don't match the NFL draft.
You have to be kidding right?
Shaka Toney is the poster boy for development.
Comes to PSU with hardly any other good offers, way too small, fringe 2/3 star and is now playing in the NFL after going through the PSU program. By all recruiting definitions, Toney was a "project" recruit.
Shaka Toney is an example OF DEVELOPMENT.
I'm constantly amazing at how uniformed people typically are in so many things across all worldly subjects but for some reason people are extra blind when it comes to sports and politics. It's likely they let their biases blind them in these matters. It's really comical. Fools.
You have to be kidding right?
Shaka Toney is the poster boy for development.
Comes to PSU with hardly any other good offers, way too small, fringe 2/3 star and is now playing in the NFL after going through the PSU program. By all recruiting definitions, Toney was a "project" recruit.
Shaka Toney is an example OF DEVELOPMENT.
I'm constantly amazing at how uniformed people typically are in so many things across all worldly subjects but for some reason people are extra blind when it comes to sports and politics. It's likely they let their biases blind them in these matters. It's really comical. Fools.
It is always easy to pick out the anomaly. The outlier. Tony is both. There are always outliers. Try defending his full record instead of cherry picking one player to fit your argument. Your bias is blinding you to reality.
Your bias is blinding you to reality.
I left bias in like 7th grade dude. Get a grip.
What does commentary about Shaka Toney being a project have to do with bias...He was a project. He's the poster boy for development.
Toney isn't an outlier, Shaka Toney is by in large part 40% of college football rosters. Literally. Most never develop to Toney level. Bama, Clemson, OSU & Georgia don't even recruit Toney types, but everyone else has too. If you can't understand this, you're clueless.
Who is closer to the program? You or her?
And the post is legit. It's all over the 247 board.
My guess is she never stepped into the PSU football locker room. Seriously, do you haters stay up at night thinking of more BS to criticize Franklin about? I repeat what I said elsewhere, criticize Franklin when it’s deserved (like the poor prep last year vs Illinois) but the constant bitching when it’s not deserved is ridiculous. Franklin wasn’t the reason Penn State lost yesterday; they lost because they turned the ball over 4 times (all by a 6th year starting QB) and OSU had 0 turnovers. I also challenged the critics on this board to name one strategic decision Franklin made last year in the Michigan and MSU losses and I never got one damned response.
My guess is she never stepped into the PSU football locker room. Seriously, do you haters stay up at night thinking of more BS to criticize Franklin about? I repeat what I said elsewhere, criticize Franklin when it’s deserved (like the poor prep last year vs Illinois) but the constant bitching when it’s not deserved is ridiculous. Franklin wasn’t the reason Penn State lost yesterday; they lost because they turned the ball over 4 times (all by a 6th year starting QB) and OSU had 0 turnovers. I also challenged the critics on this board to name one strategic decision Franklin made last year in the Michigan and MSU losses and I never got one damned response.
He recruits soft non-football athletes vs football players. That is part of tbe strategy in College Football. And Franklin is failing at it vs what he has at his disposal.
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Franklin deserves the blame for a lot but I don't see player development being a thing. He puts tons of guys in the NFL and they perform at a high level. That's not because they didn't develop in college.

My biggest gripe is that we have so much NFL talent but can't turn it into a top caliber football team.
He recruits soft non-football athletes vs football players. That is part of tbe strategy in College Football. And Franklin is failing at it vs what he has at his disposal.
He recruits the a lot of the same kids OSU does, so I guess OSU’s players are soft too.
It is always easy to pick out the anomaly. The outlier. Tony is both. There are always outliers. Try defending his full record instead of cherry picking one player to fit your argument. Your bias is blinding you to reality.
Hey dummy, he didn't cherry pick Shaka. The OP was about Shaka. Try to keep up.
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Franklin deserves the blame for a lot but I don't see player development being a thing. He puts tons of guys in the NFL and they perform at a high level. That's not because they didn't develop in college.

My biggest gripe is that we have so much NFL talent but can't turn it into a top caliber football team.
Paragraph 1 agreed. Paragraph 2, we have been performing on average at least with our recruiting talent composite since Franklin has been here. Some years below, some years above. We are likely to finish above this year.
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Wasn’t Toney a Muslim and had some pretty devout dietary restrictions and fasting requirements. I think I remember that being one of the reasons it took so much time to add weight.
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So how does that statement, assuming it was made, "expose" Franklin? Are you (or the person who supposedly made that statement) asserting that Franklin makes little or no effort to develop his recruits, regardless of their star rating? I have to honk the B.S. horn on THAT one. What possible reason would Franklin have for doing so?

And your authoritative source is Shaka Toney's sister? C'mon ...
I think what he ius saying is this:

If you follow penn state football you should know there were no bigger supporters of JF than the Toney Family. It is huge that they would actually post something anti JFF.
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I think what he ius saying is this:

If you follow penn state football you should know there were no bigger supporters of JF than the Toney Family. It is huge that they would actually post something anti JFF.
There we go. Thanks for clarification.
PSU players may not always be out of position since they played so well the first 3 1/2 quarters against OSU. But, if you go back and watch the defense during that 75 yard 3-4 play drive, the defense looked totally confused. And, look at that TD run by Henderson. There was no DT on the left side of OSU's OL. You could drive a truck through it before the ball was snapped. All the two OSU OL had to do was block one LB, and they did that with ease.
There was a Twitter post questioning Toney’s playing time at one point from a family member. I do remember that.
I wouldn't doubt it, they are very involved. I do know once he started getting a lot of playing everything on sisters twitter has been pro psu and pro JFF.
Wasn’t Toney a Muslim and had some pretty devout dietary restrictions and fasting requirements. I think I remember that being one of the reasons it took so much time to add weight.
Yes he is and that was probably an issue with his inability to maintain more weight. Not questioning his religious choice, but the dietary restrictions had to be a contributing factor. Shaka wanted to play DE and was what PSU agreed to. But in hind site, his body type was more fitted to LBer.
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I think what he ius saying is this:

If you follow penn state football you should know there were no bigger supporters of JF than the Toney Family. It is huge that they would actually post something anti JFF.
I'm not sure that post is anti CFJ.
Per Twitter,

"Players have to be developed 4 and 5 star players have to be developed correctly. Nutrition, weight room, strategy and most importantly football IQ"
Unless there is more context, I don't see this as a criticism.

Given how supportive the Toney's have been of CJF and PSU I read this as "You cannot expect freshman 5 stars to come in and star right away. They have to develop." That's not a criticism -- that's facts.

She isn't saying "PSU doesn't develop 4 and 5 star players".
Unless there is more context, I don't see this as a criticism.

Given how supportive the Toney's have been of CJF and PSU I read this as "You cannot expect freshman 5 stars to come in and star right away. They have to develop." That's not a criticism -- that's facts.

She isn't saying "PSU doesn't develop 4 and 5 star players".
I saw a different one that I can't find now from his sister. Heck, I can't even find her on twitter right now. Elon must have cancelled her. I posted about it right away. I wish I was 8 ML's in so I could remember verbatim what she tweeted.
I posted a
I saw a different one that I can't find now from his sister. Heck, I can't even find her on twitter right now. Elon must have cancelled her. I posted about it right away. I wish I was 8 ML's in so I could remember verbatim what she tweeted.

I posted at 9:02 on Saturday, so it is possible what I saw got erased. I usually screen shot things like that and failed.
So how does that statement, assuming it was made, "expose" Franklin? Are you (or the person who supposedly made that statement) asserting that Franklin makes little or no effort to develop his recruits, regardless of their star rating? I have to honk the B.S. horn on THAT one. What possible reason would Franklin have for doing so?

And your authoritative source is Shaka Toney's sister? C'mon ...

Are you really asking that question?

Franklin does the least with talent than anyone else. He actually said as much when he proclaimed that "the plays work better with better players" a few years back.

Who says that about their team?

And this is why he puts so much effort into recruiting. He's not going to turn a 3 star into a 4 star. We've seen it for 9 years already.
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