SIAP: The Golden Bear turned 78 yesterday.....

Many years ago, I met him and his wife in the old Swedish shop in Vail, CO. We exchanged pleasantries and such. After my wife and I left the shop she asked me if that man was a friend of my parents....LOL! I said "no, that man is the Babe Ruth of golf".

While I have no love for the game anymore, the last round of the '86 Masters still gives me goosebumps.
Great story....

I sent a client to a golf workshop hosted by Jack many, many years ago. My client said that he (client) was in a sand trap on the third hole when Jack drove up in a cart. He was driving around giving lessons here and there. As Jack walked up, my client looked at him and said "don't come over here, I am nervous enough hitting out of a sand trap and don't need Jack Nicholas watching me!" he said Jack laughed like hell, gave him a lesson and he ended up hitting decent shot. Later that night over dinner, Jack came over and put his arm around my client. Jack said, "listen, you don't think I get nervous talking to business people while I am in my 'sand traps'?" They ended up talking for an hour and a half. My client said it was the best time of his life outside getting married and having his kids. I never met Jack but really respected him taking that approach.
Great story....

I sent a client to a golf workshop hosted by Jack many, many years ago. My client said that he (client) was in a sand trap on the third hole when Jack drove up in a cart. He was driving around giving lessons here and there. As Jack walked up, my client looked at him and said "don't come over here, I am nervous enough hitting out of a sand trap and don't need Jack Nicholas watching me!" he said Jack laughed like hell, gave him a lesson and he ended up hitting decent shot. Later that night over dinner, Jack came over and put his arm around my client. Jack said, "listen, you don't think I get nervous talking to business people while I am in my 'sand traps'?" They ended up talking for an hour and a half. My client said it was the best time of his life outside getting married and having his kids. I never met Jack but really respected him taking that approach.
Great story. Thanks for sharing.
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He is undoubtedly the best golfer ever and may I add one heck of a good human being. I still believe that If Tiger kept his personal life in check he could have threatened Jack's 18 majors.