Simply earth shattering revelation to my Seinfeld trivia......


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2004
John Randolph was the first dad of George Costanza. However in syndication the scene was reshot with Stiller. Who knew ?:eek:

Saw this other dude being Jerry's dad in season one episode two. Philip Brun:eek:
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I think the first Seinfeld dad passed away so they recast him. Like old Darren and new Darren from Bewitched.

There's a lot of material on youtube about the behind the scenes world of Seinfeld. Some of the funniest ones involve Jerry Stiller ( George's Dad, Frank ). They originally wanted him to play Frank as a guy who had been thoroughly beaten down after years of nagging . Fortunately, Jerry Stiller revolted from this interpretation of the character.
The rest is history.
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Trivia question: What music is the "Maestro" air conducting while driving in his convertable at the end of that episode? (must get composer, symphony, and movement)