And I know some public officials lurk on this forum.......
Wendy - is that your girl Ditka to his left? She's cute with that constipated look on her face...
The Pennsylvania State Police are pursuing an investigation based upon a founded Clinton County Children and Youth Services complaint alleging sexual assault by a Centre county adult male upon a juvenile male with whom he became acquainted through his sponsorship of a· charity for disadvantaged youth. It is believed that other minor males have been similarly assaulted through this connection. The investigation concerns allegations of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, indecent assault, and corruption of minors in Clinton and Centre counties.
Wendy this is why I think (and always have thought) that there is a smokescreen going up. It cannot be merely incompetence. When you're incompetent, that means once in a while BY ACCIDENT you do the right thing.
Excellent Ms. Silverwood. Your article is Straight to the point and easy to understand the convoluted affair with The Second Mile and public officials.
For every beer you buy me, I’ll ante up two Shirley Temples to you.
I’ll ante up two Shirley Temples to you
Wendy, you didn't even include the most massive "red flag" that was put into print in the Spring 2009 by none other than Corrupt Corbett himself in his 5/1/2009 SWIGJ Application in regards to the V1 DPW-Reported & -Indicated CSA is what Corrupt Corbett listed as the probable cause:
One of my beliefs is The Second Mile was laundering money for the ranking state politicians. If this were true, there would be some serious jail time for those involved.So to whose benefit is this whole charade?
One of my beliefs is The Second Mile was laundering money for the ranking state politicians. If this were true, there would be some serious jail time for those involved.
It would certainly give significant incentive to deflect all inquiries concerning TSM.
I just used Dr. Raykovitz testimony. Whether Ditka knew it or not, she got him to admit to the same failures she was trying to charge Spanier with. Ditka is excusing Raykovitz's actions.
that might be the most ridiculous theory you've ever posted.
I'll buy that in principle. But who? Corbett replaced Rendell and was AG during the Rendell Administration. So he'd certainly have incentive to take down Fast Eddie. One-Term Tommy had a Dem AG and was replaced by an all-D Executive Branch. So if legislative bigshots (all R's) were washing money, you would think Scarnotti/Corman/Turzai/Reed/Cutler would make very attractive heads to hang on the wall for Shapiro/DePasquale.One of my beliefs is The Second Mile was laundering money for the ranking state politicians. If this were true, there would be some serious jail time for those involved.
It would certainly give significant incentive to deflect all inquiries concerning TSM.
Nope. There has to be a reason why the OAG fixated on one victim at Penn State and ignored Sandusky's pedo playground - The Second Mile.
I always suspected there was a connection with The Hershey Trust and the kingmaker.I'll buy that in principle. But who? Corbett replaced Rendell and was AG during the Rendell Administration. So he'd certainly have incentive to take down Fast Eddie. One-Term Tommy had a Dem AG and was replaced by an all-D Executive Branch. So if legislative bigshots (all R's) were washing money, you would think Scarnotti/Corman/Turzai/Reed/Cutler would make very attractive heads to hang on the wall for Shapiro/DePasquale.
Rendell still has plenty of juice but he's 73 and his days as a political officeholder are over. Corbett is hated by every R in Penna., has NO juice, and could not be elected Shaler Twp Dog Catcher.
Of course this is the state where Wolfie is now investigating his own Lieutenant Gov Stack for abusing his own staff, so who in thee hell knows what is going on in Sodom on the Susquehanna.
When Itry to see SOME of your Tweets, I get some kind of reason why they are not available. I do follow you on Twitter.Yes. They really should not be happy about all this. Patrick Shulte is on the far left, he also did questioning of witnesses along with Ditka. I've no idea who the other guy is, and everyone knows Sassano in the back. As a resident of PA, a taxpayer and a parent, I'm stunned at what has been allowed to go on by public officials.
You have to be talking about the legendary LSZ. Another former AG. What's with these people?No doubt, it is a classic "foil" being used to "cover up" what was really going on....undeniably true right down to the AG created INTENTIONALLY FRAUDULENT Presentment which is what established the False Narrative "foil" on the record. All roads in this thing point back to two things -- the AG (who was Corbett at the time) and Charities. The nexus of those two things is the corrupt kingmaker down in Hershey, who was in fact Corbett's "kingmaker"....and wouldn't you know it, during this exact same time period there were massive calls for the corruption, including accusations of CSA, at the Hershey Trust to be investigated by the AG, but all of these investigations of Charities fell into the background when Corbett made it all about Penn State via his FRAUDULENT and CONTRIVED Presentment!
You have to be talking about the legendary LSZ. Another former AG. What's with these people?
Of course former Hershey Trust chairman Cavanaugh is pretty shady too with that sweetheart golf course deal.
One of my beliefs is The Second Mile was laundering money for the ranking state politicians. If this were true, there would be some serious jail time for those involved.
It would certainly give significant incentive to deflect all inquiries concerning TSM.
Thanks Step! But I'm very fond of a nice Pinot Noir these days. Spanish reds are in my wheelhouse as well. I owe a bunch of you guys a round for allowing me to come over to the McAndrew 19th Hole and complain.
I'll buy that in principle. But who? Corbett replaced Rendell and was AG during the Rendell Administration. So he'd certainly have incentive to take down Fast Eddie. One-Term Tommy had a Dem AG and was replaced by an all-D Executive Branch. So if legislative bigshots (all R's) were washing money, you would think Scarnotti/Corman/Turzai/Reed/Cutler would make very attractive heads to hang on the wall for Shapiro/DePasquale.
Rendell still has plenty of juice but he's 73 and his days as a political officeholder are over. Corbett is hated by every R in Penna., has NO juice, and could not be elected Shaler Twp Dog Catcher.
Of course this is the state where Wolfie is now investigating his own Lieutenant Gov Stack for abusing his own staff, so who in thee hell knows what is going on in Sodom on the Susquehanna.
I read your link which reminded me of the Reese lawsuit, which petered out as quickly as it launched. That was a great chance gone by the wayside to blow the cocoa beans out of the Hershey trust shenanigans.Well, what do you know, here is a an article dated Feb. 2011 talking about massive and rampant corruption at Hershey - HIT THE LINK. Gee, I wonder why they hung a banner over the Hershey Hotel after lavishly renovating it with Hershey Trust Funds dubbed "Zimm's Place"? Gee, I wonder what that means....LMFAO.
that might be the most ridiculous theory you've ever posted.
that might be the most ridiculous theory you've ever posted.
Yep, The Trust & TSM seem to be off limits to any investigations.I also forgot about Kane's aborted investigation. These guys should be behind bars. Instead they're living it up at the Hotel California.
And you have the verification that I’m in left field on this belief? Show me the content of the shredded TSM documents and maybe you will convince me.
Out of curiosity: attention from whom?Given that theory I doubt you have the mental capacity required.
there has not been one (1) bit of evidence that would tend, even the slightest, toward your theory after years of attention on the matter.
Out of curiosity: attention from whom?
Given that theory I doubt you have the mental capacity required.
there has not been one (1) bit of evidence that would tend, even the slightest, toward your theory after years of attention on the matter.
If it's so ridiculous, then why did all of the victims who got paid by PSU have to sign an agreement to NOT pursue any legal action against the 2nd Mile?that might be the most ridiculous theory you've ever posted.
The Hershey Trust
nothings been found. not one documentioned, computer file. not 1 piece of testimony.And what type of evidence would you expect anyone to find after an untold number of documents were shredded in an industrial grade shredder truck???
nothings been found. not one documentioned, computer file. not 1 piece of testimony.
Also their budget was miniscule.
There's just nothing there to be found and there never was.
meanwhile they've been investigated by a number of fed agencies.
There ya' go.Wendy this is why I think (and always have thought) that there is a smokescreen going up. It cannot be merely incompetence. When you're incompetent, that means once in a while BY ACCIDENT you do the right thing.
Somebody is being insulated. Really and truly - Soapy is a stooge and is guilty as sin. Nobody cares about protecting him - he is easily disposable. Rayko is already a wealthy man - he didn't need the Second Mile gig, although the money he and Kitty were pulling down was very nice.
So to whose benefit is this whole charade?