Never will either. Leftwingers are in la la land.
It is a fair bet that Sen. Bernie Sanders (and most of his followers), unlike tens of millions of others, never read George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” or Friedrich von Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom.” Why do so many embrace a system — socialism — that has always failed, whether it was a form of state socialism or the various utopian communities started in the United States and Europe over the last couple of hundred years?
We praise the benign socialism that is practiced within the family, churches, some social or civic groups where the members look out for each other in case of need. It works as long as it is voluntary and members are free to leave.
In contrast, government socialism is coercive and denies the fundamental right to opt out, no matter how repressive or incompetent it becomes. The socialist countries killed a couple hundred million of their own citizens during the 20th century — Soviet Union (62 million), communist China (78 million), and the national socialists, aka Nazis, in Germany (21 million). Even today, Cuba, North Korea and the new dictatorship of Venezuela have their defenders, despite the clear and obvious repression and human misery.
The takeover playbook remains the same. State socialism is incompatible with liberty — and if a majority of the people are aware of the facts, socialism loses. Thus, the first thing the socialists do is deny free speech to others — with the false claims that their opponents are engaged in hate or repressive speech so they must be silenced. The current denial of free speech on college campuses and by “Antifa” is the opening round.
The next step is to take control of education, by regulating what is to be taught — leaving out those parts of history that would result in enlightened citizenry. At the college level, the goal is to obtain a uniformity of thought, so professors that encourage diversity of thought or defend free markets are blackballed by the educational establishment.
It is a fair bet that Sen. Bernie Sanders (and most of his followers), unlike tens of millions of others, never read George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” or Friedrich von Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom.” Why do so many embrace a system — socialism — that has always failed, whether it was a form of state socialism or the various utopian communities started in the United States and Europe over the last couple of hundred years?
We praise the benign socialism that is practiced within the family, churches, some social or civic groups where the members look out for each other in case of need. It works as long as it is voluntary and members are free to leave.
In contrast, government socialism is coercive and denies the fundamental right to opt out, no matter how repressive or incompetent it becomes. The socialist countries killed a couple hundred million of their own citizens during the 20th century — Soviet Union (62 million), communist China (78 million), and the national socialists, aka Nazis, in Germany (21 million). Even today, Cuba, North Korea and the new dictatorship of Venezuela have their defenders, despite the clear and obvious repression and human misery.
The takeover playbook remains the same. State socialism is incompatible with liberty — and if a majority of the people are aware of the facts, socialism loses. Thus, the first thing the socialists do is deny free speech to others — with the false claims that their opponents are engaged in hate or repressive speech so they must be silenced. The current denial of free speech on college campuses and by “Antifa” is the opening round.
The next step is to take control of education, by regulating what is to be taught — leaving out those parts of history that would result in enlightened citizenry. At the college level, the goal is to obtain a uniformity of thought, so professors that encourage diversity of thought or defend free markets are blackballed by the educational establishment.