Something I don't undertand


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
i rarely post but I've been reading the boards for a very long time.
Anyhow, I don't understand the mindset that you one cannot respect and appreciate the the impact and contibutions of all of PSU's head coaches. Joe, BOB, James have all done/are doing incredible things given their time and circumstances. I read posts here and don't undertsand some poster's logic that to appreciate one coach you must disparage another. Without BOB, there would be no James and without Joe there would have been neither. As with everyone, they each have/had flaws, but their overall contributions have been positives.
I have one too
Suppose (M, g) is complete, connected and non-compact with sectional curvatureK≥ 0, and there exists a point in M where the sectional curvature (in all sectional directions) is strictly positive. Then the soul of M is a point; equivalently M is diffeomorphic to Rn.
Perelman proved the conjecture by establishing that in the general case K ≥ 0, Sharafutdinov's retractionP : M → S is a submersion.
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I have one too
Suppose (M, g) is complete, connected and non-compact with sectional curvatureK≥ 0, and there exists a point in M where the sectional curvature (in all sectional directions) is strictly positive. Then the soul of M is a point; equivalently M is diffeomorphic to Rn.
Perelman proved the conjecture by establishing that in the general case K ≥ 0, Sharafutdinov's retractionP : M → S is a submersion.
That makes sense
My expectations for the coach immediately following Paterno, knowing it would be short term, were super low, and so I was willing to give all parties a mulligan. I didn't care for O'Brien's demeanor, and I felt like he recruited poorly at some positions. I also felt like he lost some unacceptable games, given that he inherited quite a but of talent in spite of the transfers, but also won a few surprise contests. I didn't care for him being demanding each off season, but I guess that's just because we got such a bargain for so long. Franklin has been OK so far in my view- I think the team was very lucky in 2016 and 2017, and that kind of ran out this year. I don't understand why so many coaches have left so quickly, but maybe that will stabilize in the near future. James has also been "savvy" in talking himself into a hefty paycheck, so he will need to produce at an "elite" level before the current freshman class leaves, or else he might not be the answer at that price. Maybe I'm just getting old, but the team just isn't that much fun to watch. They generally look a little sloppy and struggle, even against lesser teams. But we could certainly do much worse in having him as the face of the program for now.
i rarely post but I've been reading the boards for a very long time.
Anyhow, I don't understand the mindset that you one cannot respect and appreciate the the impact and contibutions of all of PSU's head coaches. Joe, BOB, James have all done/are doing incredible things given their time and circumstances. I read posts here and don't undertsand some poster's logic that to appreciate one coach you must disparage another. Without BOB, there would be no James and without Joe there would have been neither. As with everyone, they each have/had flaws, but their overall contributions have been positives.

This board, like many I have seen, thrives on negativity. That extends not just to the topic at hand, but to anyone posting with an opposing view. I have no problem with legitimate criticism, but so much of it lacks substance. I find especially offensive ad hominem attacks on other posters. Your post suggests you may be one who would raise the level of discourse here, so I would encourage you to post more often.
This board, like many I have seen, thrives on negativity. That extends not just to the topic at hand, but to anyone posting with an opposing view. I have no problem with legitimate criticism, but so much of it lacks substance. I find especially offensive ad hominem attacks on other posters. Your post suggests you may be one who would raise the level of discourse here, so I would encourage you to post more often.
Thank you
I used to post under a different name. Then i got a new computer and couldnt remember my password, so i set up a new account. I had stopped posting because I was recipient of one of the attacks.
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i rarely post but I've been reading the boards for a very long time.
Anyhow, I don't understand the mindset that you one cannot respect and appreciate the the impact and contibutions of all of PSU's head coaches. Joe, BOB, James have all done/are doing incredible things given their time and circumstances. I read posts here and don't undertsand some poster's logic that to appreciate one coach you must disparage another. Without BOB, there would be no James and without Joe there would have been neither. As with everyone, they each have/had flaws, but their overall contributions have been positives.

Look around anywhere and see how willing people are, these days, to:
- Compromise
- Admit they might possibly be wrong
- Disagree amicably

My opinion is that most of the attackers are aware they have no way to back up their opinions, so their only recourse is to resort to name calling. And/or labeling their opinions as FACTS!!!!! They are, again imo, quite insecure; the anonymity of message boards allows them to feel powerful.
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Thank you
I used to post under a different name. Then i got a new computer and couldnt remember my password, so i set up a new account. I had stopped posting because I was recipient of one of the attacks.
It is unfortunate that you felt the need to stop posting due to a personal attack. It appears we have lost others for similar reasons. I guess a certain amount of this goes with the territory, but I would urge you to resume posting. If you are personally attacked, report the poster, put him on ignore, and move on. When I see an egregious personal attack, I often condemn it, but I don't read every thread and sometimes I just report it myself and move on. I hope I will see more of your posts in the weeks ahead. Don't let the bast'ds grind you down.