

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2014
Let's just pretend these 2 were still in charge....would they have let all this crap go by that we have had to deal with in the last week. For some reason I could see Spanier calling out Herbie and Mushmouth...and something tells me the 2 of them woulda kept their mouths shut had Spanier and Curley still been here. They know balless Barron and wimpy Barbour have nothing.
Did they ever call anyone out before ? I doubt they'd say much.
I don't recall Thomas raising a stink in 94.
Franklin handled it very well IMO .
Franklin is pretty media savvy. He knows that there are enough sport talk shows that will choose sides and debate. It won't hurt the PSU Football brand to be in the discussion. Conversely, even if he was correct, Jim Harbaugh didn't come off a winner (more like a whiner).
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If Barron had the courage to speak up about everything especially the false narrative............imagine the wrath if the BOT fired him?
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Let's just pretend these 2 were still in charge....would they have let all this crap go by that we have had to deal with in the last week. For some reason I could see Spanier calling out Herbie and Mushmouth...and something tells me the 2 of them woulda kept their mouths shut had Spanier and Curley still been here. They know balless Barron and wimpy Barbour have nothing.

You have to freak'in kidding Spanier would have done nothing. Just like he did nothing in giving Sandusky free reign to Penn State facilities. Curley same deal a total corporate yes man who was in over his head as an house AD.

Go back to pinning for the past regime.
You have to freak'in kidding Spanier would have done nothing. Just like he did nothing in giving Sandusky free reign to Penn State facilities. Curley same deal a total corporate yes man who was in over his head as an house AD.

Go back to pinning for the past regime.
Spanier didn't originate the Emeritus agreement with JS....only a fool would suggest this. Everyone knows this came from the Trustees.
You wouldn't hear a peep from either Spanier or Curley.
What do you remember about them that I don't.
You have to freak'in kidding Spanier would have done nothing. Just like he did nothing in giving Sandusky free reign to Penn State facilities. Curley same deal a total corporate yes man who was in over his head as an house AD.

Go back to pinning for the past regime.

The old Spanier would have done nothing. The current Spanier has probably learned a lesson or two.
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You wouldn't hear a peep from either Spanier or Curley.
What do you remember about them that I don't.

nothing...just asking for people's opinions that's all...I wish I was the PSU pres...Howard and Herbie would have my size 9 Nike's sticking out of their earholes....and Delany would be looking for a new team cuz I would be on the horn to the nACC....
nothing...just asking for people's opinions that's all...I wish I was the PSU pres...Howard and Herbie would have my size 9 Nike's sticking out of their earholes....and Delany would be looking for a new team cuz I would be on the horn to the nACC....

If you were the Penn State president, I'd hope you'd be focused on a number of management challenges and initiatives a helluva lot more important than where our football team is ranked by the CFP Committee.
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Let's just pretend these 2 were still in charge....would they have let all this crap go by that we have had to deal with in the last week. For some reason I could see Spanier calling out Herbie and Mushmouth...and something tells me the 2 of them woulda kept their mouths shut had Spanier and Curley still been here. They know balless Barron and wimpy Barbour have nothing.

For some reason I could see Spanier calling out Herbie and Mushmouth...and something tells me the 2 of them woulda kept their mouths shut had Spanier and Curley still been here.


I highly doubt Spanier and Curley would have enough free time to watch Gameday or sit around and listen to call-in sports radio talk shows. I also know the President of a major university isn't going to "call out" a couple of relatively inconsequential sports "talking heads" about their subjective opinions related to rankings of college football teams.

Furthermore, I doubt Herbie and mushmouf could name the president of any of the Big 10 schools other than their own alma mater and certainly wouldn't 'keep their mouths shut" because they would be worried about retribution from a university president and athletic director because they stated their opinions on the subjective nature of football teams.
nothing...just asking for people's opinions that's all...I wish I was the PSU pres...Howard and Herbie would have my size 9 Nike's sticking out of their earholes....and Delany would be looking for a new team cuz I would be on the horn to the nACC....
I would hope the PSU Pres would have a better perspective wrt what PSU's pressing problems are.........they surely ain't Kirky and Mushmouth (or Delaney or Emmert).......they are a hell of a lot closer to home, and 1,000,000 times more damaging, than those two condom guzzlers
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If you were the Penn State president, I'd hope you'd be focused on a number of management challenges and initiatives a helluva lot more important than where our football team is ranked by the CFP Committee.
LOL......we know how committed you are to the concept of addressing the ailments afflicting PSU

If you were the Penn State president, I'd hope you'd be focused on a number of management challenges and initiatives a helluva lot more important than where our football team is ranked by the CFP Committee.
Spanky was good at multitasking..good at procuring university funding, community awareness concerning the students activities, board of US Steel, US Intelligence position, found time for the brass band on College Ave., & university primary duties are a few Spainer Involvements in the past, JoePa took care of bobblehead spankings, not Spanier.
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