Hilarious that all these BWI armchair lawyers know more than the professionals.
"That Wick Sollers with the Paternos is going to make those people pay......."
"We will just boycott ESPN, that will show them ......"
"Zig knows more than anyone about this case, his info will set Jerry free ..."
"Special (real estate) Agent John Snedden proclaims Jerry is innocent ..."
"Can't wait for CSS to go to trial so the truth will come out ..."
"Spainer wrote a book ..."
After more than 10 years the needle has yet to move. Jerry has lost every appeal and is still a convict. CSS are and will remain ex-cons. And Joe Paterno is just a set of numbers in the record books with his reputation in the outhouse.
10 more years!
Here is an extensive crow list for JoeBots. Enjoy!
The Crow List:
03/11 Sandusky will never be charged
11/11 Sandusky will never be convicted.
06/12 The Freeh Report will exonerate everyone at Penn State.
07/12 The NCAA will never sanction Penn State.
07/12 Spanier will never be indicted.
01/13 Kane will drop the charges against the Paterno 3
07/13 The charges will be dismissed at the preliminary hearing.
03/14 Moulton will show a massive conspiracy
07/14 PSU will fight the sanctions.
09/14 Corbett, Emmert, Erickson, and the BoT will be arrested.
10/14 PSU/NCAA do not want to be deposed; they will fold
12/14 The Paterno 3 want the trial, but the state is delaying it.
01/15 Corman's going to get everything back. It is a big victory.
03/15 Kane isn't in any trouble.
12/15 Kane will drop some bombs on Williams, Fina, etc.
12/15 Kane will not be removed from office by the Senate
12/15 Kane will win the federal lawsuits
03/16 Reese will not serve jail time.
06/16 Kane will never be convicted
10/16 Kane will never serve a day in jail.
10/16 McQueary will not win his Whistleblower lawsuit.
10/16 The conspiracy charge against the Paterno 3 will not be reinstated
10/16 The Paterno 3 case will never go to trial
02/17 The Paterno 3 will be found not guilty.
02/17 All the e-mails are faked.
03/17 Spanier will win on appeal
03/17 Spanier won’t serve any jail time