In a five minute view/read..... this will tell you all you need to know wrt why the MSU and the PSU situations led to such different outcomes vav the MSU Athletic Department leadership (and Dantonio in particular):
Some quotes from that press conference:
"Any accusations of my handling of any complaints of sexual assaults individually are completely false. Every incident was documented by either the Police, or the Michigan State Title IX office. I've worked with the proper authorities, when dealing with cases of sexual assault."
and then this:
"That is all I have to say. I am advised against taking any questions...... (watch the video, and see his body language at this point)…." And then he says....
"But I'll take a couple questions."
And then, he answered them - directly, face-to-face, unfiltered, and not as some lap-dog to a cadre of a$$-hump lawyers.
Whether people like Dantonio - or hate him. Whether people think he handled things properly - or horribly. Whether people think he was being honest - or obfuscating...… the clear, incontrovertible fact is this:
Five minutes - face-to-face, without using any BS "advice of counsel" bullshit.
And - for Dantonio - it was, for all intents and purposes, over.
As compared to the actions of EVERY Penn State Admin and "Leader" throughout the entire monkey-hump at PSU..... any one of whom could have COMPLETELY re-shaped the PSU situation - at the time - with 5 f^cking minutes of open, direct communication.
As I said before:
"And - while it isn't really something one "knows", there is another important something that one can believe (and I do believe). That is:
It doesn't take a "hero" to stand up for what is righteous...… all it takes is the basic shit that most of us were raised on from the time we were pre-schoolers (at least I would hope so - but perhaps I am wrong)….
Namely: Be honest, speak your mind, take responsibility, don't be a pussy, try to fix those things you've broken - and when you do so, try not to f^ck up in the same way again, and stand up for what you believe is right - even when it does not advance your personal self-interests.
I KNOW we ain't seen nearly enough of that stuff.
And I KNOW that very few people care.
And that is disconcerting."
Two-Thousand Five-Hundred days later - and we still have a PSU Administration and Leadership (including all of the supposed advocates for Truth and Transparency) filled with pussies and posers, that would rather burn down the University, than to spend 60 seconds being honest and direct about ANYTHING.
And (nearly) no one cares.
Bunch of scum-bags. All of them.