Agreed re social media a high school teacher I see the effects daily. The negatives far outweigh the positives. In the end we all find our today just cast a wider net with a higher number of critics to harass them.Agreed. But the key to life is being proud of yourself and your accomplishments no matter what. We are way TOO invested in what people think of us. This is, of course, acute when you are ~ aged 10 to 25. the issue with social media is that kids are open to bullying and hateful comments to hundreds as opposed to a dozen or so back in the old days. of course, someone is going to say you are fat, skinny, ugly, aloof or whatever. Kids are going to have to learn to role with the punches and understand that this is just the way it is.
Even for me, I can do 50 things well in an average day where I directly teach 75 or so kids and interact with 100-200 more- but it is that single confrontation, or parent or Principal comment, or situation where I can be better that keeps me up at night. Multiply that by hundreds and hundreds of messages with possibly thousands of "followers" = a shit ton of wasted time + anxiety over people whose opinions you shouldn't give a rats ass about.
I sincerely think social media is an illness for many...