State giving money to Nutting and Seven Springs Resort

The Bullshit Runs deeper everyday.
We have to pay to build a new stadium for the Pirates and now we will help Seven Springs build more bars. The spending is out of control and no one in the State swamp wants to change that. Wolf must go! Send them all packing. Need term limits.
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We have to pay to build a new stadium for the Pirates and now we will help Seven Springs build more bars. The spending is out of control and no one in the State swamp wants to change that. Wolf must go! Send them all packing. Need term limits.

Term limits don't work.... the new guys steal faster than the old ones, then the new guys that replace them do the same.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss..."
He needs money? sell the Pirates. We the tax payers shouldn't bail this clown out. Who helps the small business person when they hit a financial crisis? Investors have wanted to buy the Pirates but Nutting has said NO. He isn't building a winning team. He doesn't care about winning it's about the almighty Dollar not the fans. No wonder the state is on its way to bankruptcy.

Maybe the state can give Nutting some money to sign free agents in the name of increased tourism, jobs and economic development.

Any reason he and his family can't invest their own money into their resorts? I don't get it. This is why when corporations get big tax breaks I have little faith they're going to invest in themselves and their employees. Why bother when the government teat is bursting at the seems? But these guys don't get and stay rich by spending their own money.
Nutting is no fool. He's a robber baron, but he's no fool. If he can get a free stadium, with no strings attached, he's going to take it. If the state is going to give him money for bars and restaurants, he is going to take it. His ability to get embarrassed about collecting money for himself is infinitely small. He doesn't care what anybody thinks about him, period. Nothing shames him. For that reason, he is a formidable opponent for anyone who thinks they can force him to spend his own money on baseball or skiing resorts.
He needs money? sell the Pirates. We the tax payers shouldn't bail this clown out. Who helps the small business person when they hit a financial crisis? Investors have wanted to buy the Pirates but Nutting has said NO. He isn't building a winning team. He doesn't care about winning it's about the almighty Dollar not the fans. No wonder the state is on its way to bankruptcy.
I agree with you guys! I wish Bob was more like us and didn't take advantage of any tax breaks that are available!
We have to pay to build a new stadium for the Pirates and now we will help Seven Springs build more bars. The spending is out of control and no one in the State swamp wants to change that. Wolf must go! Send them all packing. Need term limits.

You want Wolf to go, but the two congressmen that are quoted in the article backing the handout are both Republicans. Just sayin...

Re-draw the extreme gerrymandered districts in Pennsylvania, impose term limits, and get the lobbyists out of the system and then maybe you have a chance for a gov't that will work for the people. Pie in the sky I know.
100% on having term limits. It's a joke that these people that represent us forget who they work for. The people.. What a corrupt system we have and it's getting worse every year. Both parties are just ad bad.
100% on having term limits. It's a joke that these people that represent us forget who they work for. The people.. What a corrupt system we have and it's getting worse every year. Both parties are just ad bad.

People have the power - vote them out. I recall a certain presidential candidate running on the idea that he would enact term limits in congress - LOL.