Steelers/Chargers ending


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2021
The Steelers ended their game with the Chargers on the Bolts 1 yard line. They took a knee two times to kill the last minute and then just let the clock run out. My question is this: why wouldn’t you kill most of the clock and then bash it in or kick the field goal? Points vs the conference is one of the playoff tiebreakers. You might want those points at the end of the year. Anyone have a thought on this? Regardless, it’s always to see Jimah go down in flames.
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The Steelers ended their game with the Chargers on the Bolts 1 yard line. They took a knee two times to kill the last minute and then just let the clock run out. My question is this: why wouldn’t you kill most of the clock and then bash it in or kick the field goal? Points vs the conference is one of the playoff tiebreakers. You might want those points at the end of the year. Anyone have a thought on this? Regardless, it’s always to see Jimah go down in flames.
Because the only way you can lose is going for it.
The Steelers ended their game with the Chargers on the Bolts 1 yard line. They took a knee two times to kill the last minute and then just let the clock run out. My question is this: why wouldn’t you kill most of the clock and then bash it in or kick the field goal? Points vs the conference is one of the playoff tiebreakers. You might want those points at the end of the year. Anyone have a thought on this? Regardless, it’s always to see Jimah go down in flames.
Same reason in the Giants-Commanders game Singletary went down at the one. You can't lose the game doing that.
If you're worried about tiebreakers that deep you're not a good coach
The risk of losing at that point would have been infinitesimal They were up 2 scores with one play left on the clock and the Chargers were out of timeouts. Yes if losing was possible, I’m a take a knee guy. In this case I would have gone for the points.
The Steelers ended their game with the Chargers on the Bolts 1 yard line. They took a knee two times to kill the last minute and then just let the clock run out. My question is this: why wouldn’t you kill most of the clock and then bash it in or kick the field goal? Points vs the conference is one of the playoff tiebreakers. You might want those points at the end of the year. Anyone have a thought on this? Regardless, it’s always to see Jimah go down in flames.
How far down the list is this used as a tiebreaker? Has it ever been used?
The risk of losing at that point would have been infinitesimal They were up 2 scores with one play left on the clock and the Chargers were out of timeouts. Yes if losing was possible, I’m a take a knee guy. In this case I would have gone for the points.
It’s happened before. It could happen again. The right call is to take a knee.

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