Still Angry? Join Us in Support Of Kane - Sept 10th 1:00 pm

OK, if that is the case, you would be an exception to the rule. Younger members of the PSU community just do not feel as strongly about Joe and his legacy as their elders. BTW, I could have sworn that some of your prior posts indicated you were inclined toward the view of many students and younger alums (i.e.,, let's move on, etc.) If I was mistaken in my recollection of your position, I stand corrected.
I don't know. My 21 year old really was upset when Joe Paterno was fired and he was excited as hell when Corman's suit forced the NCAA's hand and Joe was then put back on top where he belongs at least in terms of him being the all time wins leader. He also cares about how Joe is perceived but to this kid Paterno is a God. I had to ward off a whole other side of the family who are Notre Dame fans to make sure he stayed true to his dad's team. Without Joe I fear he would have went completely to the dark side. I am sure this is a familiar story to the dads on this board.
Ummmm, yea......all except for the fact that Corman is part of the political hunta you now claim he is trying to "build power" to bring down (e.g., they are the very king-makers who made Corman in the first place!!). Beyond all those tiny facts.....Corman already showed his colors by betraying the Alumni Elected PSU Trustees and deceiving them in regards to what he was doing on the Consent Decree NCAA Case and stabbed them all in the back making them look like fools....all the while protecting his political benefactors and essentially shielding them from their gross malfeasance in regards to their LEGAL FIDUCIARY OBLIGATIONS to PSU.
I could be wrong. The guy wants to be Gov first and foremost. What will he do as Gov, we'll see, or we won't. This one hasn't done dog crap to help PSU, so it can't be worse.
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"I believe deep down he wants to "fix" his university, but he also wants to be Governor of this state. He may not be able to attack the old guard until his already in the Gov mansion. And you may think I'm crazy for saying that; but then it is no less crazy then believe Wolf was going be this great thing for Penn State." is crazy (aside from the fact that he would probably sell his soul to buy the Governor's Mansion). And one (Corman/Wolf) has absoloutely NOTHING to do with the other....but so be it. :)

I hope you don't take it the wrong way....because I don't proclaim that ANYONE should be required to care about anything more than skin-deep....and NONE of us have the time or energy top engage deeply in EVERY subject.
But all the stuff you laid out in your previous post....the stuff about the "important things", for most folks - being the "unraveling of the FOOTBALL sanctions"...and that the NCAA was the "bad guy"....:

That is - sorry to say - the reason we are in the spot we are in....and the reason it is still a long shot that things will ever be made right.

And it is certainly not a structure unique to the situation at PSU. As an example, people will piss and moan about stuff like "gas prices"....blame some convenient target (R's or Ds?)....and then move on to having a beer and watching the game......without taking five minutes of thought or research into what is really going on (how many people know what fraction of what they pay "at the pump" is due to government regulation and taxes? Or which state has the HIGHEST governmental tax on gasoline prices? I would bet not one person in 100).
We are - truly - an incredibly lazy electorate. An incredibly intellectually lazy society....truth be told. one can "force" folks to engage and invoke critical thinking:
BUT, the scoundrels out there use that fact (that the large majority of folks are truly "non-thinking") to their advantage every day. Non-thinking folks are easy to manipulate through propaganda and emotional ploys. Much to the detriment of the rest of us.
And it's no one's fault but our own.

And with that....time to check out.
I smell the onslaught of a team of circle-jerkers.
Dude you made tons if good points here. We are a nation that is kinda like on cruise control. I have said it on this board more than once that almost all of us are guilty of complaining about things we don't really understand and that many of us think we know how to do the job better than the guy that's been doing that job for years. It really is a shame that so few people vote in this country. Talk about laziness. You make plenty of good posts and other than our disagreements over the merits of playing Pitt and Jersey posts I find you to be a very good critical thinker it's a shame that we have developed into adversaries.
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Those who hate Kane are the same vipers that support the BoT.
All or nothing thinker.

I like some of that things that she did to bring down fina and others however I cannot support some of the other things she has done...or not done...

Unfortunately it looks as though she may have overstepped here...although I like the outcome. I will sit back with my popcorn and watch this one play out.
Shouldn't this be on a Democrat message board? Kane has done nothing for PSU despite the support PSUers have given her.
Shouldn't this be on a Democrat message board? Kane has done nothing for PSU despite the support PSUers have given her.
I was registered a democrat all of my voting life until 8 years ago when a friend of the family decided to run for the state senator. So myself and many members of the family registered republican for her support. I'm sill registered repub, but I do as always, I don't vote ticket, I vote for whomever I feel will represent in the publics best interest.

Unfortunately, these politicians are few and I can't stomach the bookends of either party.
BTW, Kane is doing what she abate the corruption in PA long as she is chasing Fina & friends, she is certainty helping our cause to return to normalcy. Don't you think Sue and her family appreciate Kane's effort?
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Bumping - Angela Coloumbis from the Inquirer called me at home to chat about this effort - that Change.Org petition was very well written and makes salient points & the media is intrigued. I've no idea who wrote it, but I agree with the content.

That petition is here:

As Penn Staters, we know all too well the Rush To Judgment and the trampling of due process - which is everyone's Constitutional right. Whether you like Kane or not.

Anyhoo If you're still angry - or know folks who are - please make plans to attend. Bring a sign. Bring a banner. Bring a statement to read.

If you're not able to attend, you can tweet your support using #Citizens4Kane.

Thank you!