"I believe deep down he wants to "fix" his university, but he also wants to be Governor of this state. He may not be able to attack the old guard until his already in the Gov mansion. And you may think I'm crazy for saying that; but then it is no less crazy then believe Wolf was going be this great thing for Penn State."
Well....it is crazy (aside from the fact that he would probably sell his soul to buy the Governor's Mansion). And one (Corman/Wolf) has absoloutely NOTHING to do with the other....but so be it.
I hope you don't take it the wrong way....because I don't proclaim that ANYONE should be required to care about anything more than skin-deep....and NONE of us have the time or energy top engage deeply in EVERY subject.
But all the stuff you laid out in your previous post....the stuff about the "important things", for most folks - being the "unraveling of the FOOTBALL sanctions"...and that the NCAA was the "bad guy"....:
That is - sorry to say - the reason we are in the spot we are in....and the reason it is still a long shot that things will ever be made right.
And it is certainly not a structure unique to the situation at PSU. As an example, people will piss and moan about stuff like "gas prices"....blame some convenient target (R's or Ds?)....and then move on to having a beer and watching the game......without taking five minutes of thought or research into what is really going on (how many people know what fraction of what they pay "at the pump" is due to government regulation and taxes? Or which state has the HIGHEST governmental tax on gasoline prices? I would bet not one person in 100).
We are - truly - an incredibly lazy electorate. An incredibly intellectually lazy society....truth be told.
Again...no one can "force" folks to engage and invoke critical thinking:
BUT, the scoundrels out there use that fact (that the large majority of folks are truly "non-thinking") to their advantage every day. Non-thinking folks are easy to manipulate through propaganda and emotional ploys. Much to the detriment of the rest of us.
And it's no one's fault but our own.
And with that....time to check out.
I smell the onslaught of a team of circle-jerkers.