Terrific work that brings to question why these type programs are not being used in US inner city schools. Both parties have neglected the inner cities for too long allowing kids to be pushed through or fail to graduate without ability to achieve even a modicum of success. It is especially the Democrat party with their unionized death grip on public education that refuses to enact ANY real change. Those dem pols love union campaign money and votes at the expense of the lives of too many children. But yet as I attack democrats, a lot of blame goes to the establishment republican party who too have failed to give a damn about the issue, sitting on their hands when holding power and barely lifting a finger to fight democrats over the years.
These business as usual politicians are soulless bastards. And now we see the Democrat party fighting Trump at every turn. Wouldn't be bad if they just simply got out of the way rather than attacking constantly. A majority of voters has finally caught on, thankfully. I have some news for you leftists. This is only the beginning. There is no going back to the same old, same old.
Terrific work that brings to question why these type programs are not being used in US inner city schools. Both parties have neglected the inner cities for too long allowing kids to be pushed through or fail to graduate without ability to achieve even a modicum of success. It is especially the Democrat party with their unionized death grip on public education that refuses to enact ANY real change. Those dem pols love union campaign money and votes at the expense of the lives of too many children. But yet as I attack democrats, a lot of blame goes to the establishment republican party who too have failed to give a damn about the issue, sitting on their hands when holding power and barely lifting a finger to fight democrats over the years.
These business as usual politicians are soulless bastards. And now we see the Democrat party fighting Trump at every turn. Wouldn't be bad if they just simply got out of the way rather than attacking constantly. A majority of voters has finally caught on, thankfully. I have some news for you leftists. This is only the beginning. There is no going back to the same old, same old.