Teen golfer goes from the podium to last place! She DQ herself!! Kudos to her!

You can only narrow the stupid rules in golf down to one? There are loads of stupid golf rules.

I'd like to know what you think are stupid golf rules. For me, since the changes this year, I can only think of two that are applied during the course of play:
  1. Out of bounds ought to be played like a lateral (red stake) penalty area, but without the option of playing the ball. It is "distance already covered" to use the words of Brandel Chamblee.
  2. Lost ball search reduced this year from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. Amateurs are not going to give up on a 4 dollar ball after just 3 minutes. Professionals now need to walk back and play a second ball if they did not play a provisional, whereas extending the search by 2 minutes might lead to finding the ball and preventing the long walk-back delay. I think there has already been abuse of the 3 minute rule on the PGA tour.
The USGA and R&A lost control of the equipment long ago. There ought to be a standard ball, a standard groove, standard materials, and a club head size maximum that is far less than today's limit. Any stroke made with the hands separated on the shaft/grip ought to be an illegal stroke. This would be a full proof way to eliminate the long putter while preserving the original nature of the game. But they caved to the business interests. We now need testing laboratories for equipment. And we still have guys like Bernhard Langer making strokes that look an awful lot like anchoring. To use the words of Tom Watson: "I don't know what it is (re the long putter), but it isn't golf."
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