Text about Suriano injury


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2005
Attached a text I got about Suriano. A little editing to protect my source - who might not be as close to Cael as Spyker, but he's in the ballpark and his info has always been good.


Hope this calms the masses and sends LemonPie searching for another way that someone can take down PSU at nationals (which wasn't happening even if Suriano was out).
I hope he is alright.

I think PSU wins the team championship either way, but Suriano is a fine young man that has worked very hard to accomplish what he has. It must be very frustrating to work so hard for so long and have this happen.
Attached a text I got about Suriano. A little editing to protect my source - who might not be as close to Cael as Spyker, but he's in the ballpark and his info has always been good.


Hope this calms the masses and sends LemonPie searching for another way that someone can take down PSU at nationals (which wasn't happening even if Suriano was out).
No....We must have Nick !!!!
Attached a text I got about Suriano. A little editing to protect my source - who might not be as close to Cael as Spyker, but he's in the ballpark and his info has always been good.


Hope this calms the masses and sends LemonPie searching for another way that someone can take down PSU at nationals (which wasn't happening even if Suriano was out).

Sounds like good news...thankfully, happy for Nick. Sprains are every bit as painful as a serious injury which is what makes them so scary. It really comes down to luck....but if it was just a sprain, I think he should be okay especially given the anti-inflammatory medicines they have nowadays.
It does sound like good news. Just me, waiting a little while (days, not hours) and hearing the same thing would be better. This is about Nick, and following his dreams...

Agree that tomorrow and Tuesday will probably provide a clearer picture.

For now it will have to do, and it is after he has been initially examined by medical professionals.
Agree that tomorrow and Tuesday will probably provide a clearer picture.

For now it will have to do, and it is after he has been initially examined by medical professionals.
Examined yes...maybe even had an x-ray. MRI will tell more.
My head needs an MRI after that Flo meltdown!!
You want to hear something?? I was at a wrestling party watching the dual, with all the issues Flo was having...yet I was able to get the whole match live on Facebook (on my phone, Flowrestling page), and call the action when we needed to fill in the blanks with the crowd I was with.

Wonder how the folks at Home D and Champs fared?
You want to hear something?? I was at a wrestling party watching the dual, with all the issues Flo was having...yet I was able to get the whole match live on Facebook (on my phone, Flowrestling page), and call the action when we needed to fill in the blanks with the crowd I was with.

Wonder how the folks at Home D and Champs fared?
We had a small party at my house also - I have a Roku and the FLO app, so we were all watching on the big screen in the living room when the stream went down. Fortunately there were a few teenagers there who figured everything out quickly and between Facebook and Periscope, a laptop and an HDMI cord we basically only missed Zain's match. Disaster averted.
We had a small party at my house also - I have a Roku and the FLO app, so we were all watching on the big screen in the living room when the stream went down. Fortunately there were a few teenagers there who figured everything out quickly and between Facebook and Periscope, a laptop and an HDMI cord we basically only missed Zain's match. Disaster averted.
You Flo subscribers deserve much better than that...I'm sorry. You seem to keep a positive attitude with things and I commend you for that but they need to get it together. I'd really like to make that yearly contribution to them but can't seem to trust it will be worth it. I'll keep going monthly or not at all if things continue the way they are...
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Watched the replay on flo. (They have this match up now). Didn't see his ankle get that much out of position like you see in football. Hope he's okay.
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I hope he is alright.

I think PSU wins the team championship either way, but Suriano is a fine young man that has worked very hard to accomplish what he has. It must be very frustrating to work so hard for so long and have this happen.
I hope he is fine as well.. More so for him on an individual level. Think of the years of sacrifice to get where they are and a tweak of his ankle could do him in and rob him of his shot at his dream. Team competition will also be tougher but it is him you have to feel for.
You want to hear something?? I was at a wrestling party watching the dual, with all the issues Flo was having...yet I was able to get the whole match live on Facebook (on my phone, Flowrestling page), and call the action when we needed to fill in the blanks with the crowd I was with.

Wonder how the folks at Home D and Champs fared?
Got it all but same way. When Flo dropped went to either Facebook or periscope.
You want to hear something?? I was at a wrestling party watching the dual, with all the issues Flo was having...yet I was able to get the whole match live on Facebook (on my phone, Flowrestling page), and call the action when we needed to fill in the blanks with the crowd I was with.

Wonder how the folks at Home D and Champs fared?

I started doing the play-by-play off the FB for my kids after my feed died at the break, and they thought it was the funniest thing in the world so worked for me!
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I started doing the play-by-play off the FB for my kids after my feed died at the break, and they thought it was the funniest thing in the world so worked for me!

My 14 year old attempted the same. I needed the laugh after 125.
PSU is the only winner I root for. I have 20+ years of rooting for complete losers in other sports and those were around in my life first. I can't help it! I'm broken.
Next you'll be a loyal Alabama fan. Why not root for a blue blood so you can say you are rooting for a great person like Nick S. and Alabama
Hey Roar, I thought Penn State didn't have wrestling until Cael came here? Seems like I read that somewhere.
Attached a text I got about Suriano. A little editing to protect my source - who might not be as close to Cael as Spyker, but he's in the ballpark and his info has always been good.


Hope this calms the masses and sends LemonPie searching for another way that someone can take down PSU at nationals (which wasn't happening even if Suriano was out).
Even a bad sprain could take up to a month to heal so this may be more serious than the text lets on. Let's hope he is OK for Big Tens.