- Jack Ham
- Candy Finn (field hockey/lax)
- Levi Lamb (1912 football, wrestler, t&f)
- Lenny Moore
- Jesse Arnell (1954 NBA and NFL draftee)
- Megan Hodge
- Barney Ewell
- Horace Ashenfelter (1947 t&f)
- Mary Ellen Clark (Olympic diving medalist)
- David Taylor
- Ann Carr (first female athletic scholarship recipient)
- Steve Hamas (boxing champ, dozen varsity letters)
- Char Morten
- Dave Robinson
- And finally...Saquon Barkley
20. Mike Munchak
22. Kelly Mazante
23. John Cappelletti
25. Zane Rutherford
29. Susie McConnell
31. Mike Reid
32. Micha Hancock
33. Shane Conlan
44. Franco
45. Lydell
47. LaVar
55. Matt Millen
56. Ed Ruth
65. Curt Warner
68. Todd Blackledge
73. Kerry Collins
Note 18-19 athletes like Trace and Bo excluded.
Let the debate begin....