Woody had a hair trigger temper and was an ahole on the field. Off the field he had many admirable qualities. For instance:
"Of the 27 freshmen who came here on football scholarships in the fall of 1959, 24 will be around this fall. Normally you can expect 40% of the students entering a big university to graduate. On the Ohio State football squad we graduate 70% to 80%. How can anyone condemn college football when they see a figure like that?
Money apparently means nothing to Hayes. His salary is $20,000 a year, and on at least two occasions he has turned down raises, requesting that the money be split up among his coaching staff.
[Ahole faculty voting to keep undefeated OSU out of Rose Bowl in 1960]
"I don't agree with those 28 no votes," he said, "but I respect the integrity of the men who cast them, if not their intelligence. I would not want football to drive a line of cleavage in our university.
Football is not worth that." https://vault.si.com/vault/1962/09/24/you-love-woody-or-hate-him