The Butterscotch Panther (Seth Williams) pleads guilty!

How low do you have to stoop to be a lawyer politician in PA?

If you get arrested as a lawyer politician in Pa, you just go back to being a lawyer after you get out of prison.

Ernie Preate via Wikipedia:

He was elected Attorney General of Pennsylvania in 1988, taking Office in 1989. He was re-elected in 1992, but resigned that position in 1995 after being charged with federal racketeering and corruption. He pleaded guilty to mail fraud involving a $20,000.00 campaign contribution[8] and served a year in Federal prison.[3][6][9] He was succeeded as Attorney General by Tom Corbett, who later went on the become Governor of Pennsylvania.

Later career

Since his return to Scranton, he has resumed the practice of law, doing criminal and civil trial work. He has also been retained as a lobbyist by numerous prison and Criminal Justice reform groups. He has served as a consultant to Chuck Colson’s Justice Fellowship in Reston, Virginia, which advocates rehabilitative and faith-based reform of the criminal justice system and has become outspoken about the shortcomings of the U.S. criminal justice system, urging reforms to enable the public to have greater confidence that justice was done in judicial proceedings.

He now believes that there ought to be a moratorium on the carrying out of the death penalty under the very statue he successfully defended in the U.S. Supreme Court. He now believes that as it has been applied, it falls unevenly and unfairly on people of color, and that the criminal justice system inadequately provides effective assistance of counsel to those accused.
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