Tuesday’s local and state elections brought good news for humanists and other nontheists, not to mention for Democrats generally and for those who support a cyclist’s right to show her opposition to the president’s irresponsible and inhumane policies the only way she can when his motorcade passes by. Newly elected Loudon County Supervisor Juli Briskman will now be able to do a lot more than lift a finger to right the wrongs in her district.
In Kentucky, Republican incumbent Governor Matt Bevin, who has blatantly pushed for Bibles and school-sanctioned prayer in public schools as part of his campaign to promote the religious right, was defeated by Democrat Andy Beshear. In Virginia, Democrats took control of the House and Senate, and the majority is promising common-sense gun reform and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.
The Center for Freethought Equality highlighted widespread gains for humanists and other nontheistic political candidates in Tuesday’s elections, and its affiliated PAC reported a remarkable increase in openly humanist, atheist, agnostic, and nonreligious candidates who ran for office this year (a full list of endorsements and their election results can be found here).
Perhaps the best news for all Americans is that voter turnout was reportedly high. We can only ensure the strength of our democracy if people are energized and undeterred from voting.
Jennifer Bardi
Senior Editor

Tuesday’s local and state elections brought good news for humanists and other nontheists, not to mention for Democrats generally and for those who support a cyclist’s right to show her opposition to the president’s irresponsible and inhumane policies the only way she can when his motorcade passes by. Newly elected Loudon County Supervisor Juli Briskman will now be able to do a lot more than lift a finger to right the wrongs in her district.
In Kentucky, Republican incumbent Governor Matt Bevin, who has blatantly pushed for Bibles and school-sanctioned prayer in public schools as part of his campaign to promote the religious right, was defeated by Democrat Andy Beshear. In Virginia, Democrats took control of the House and Senate, and the majority is promising common-sense gun reform and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.
The Center for Freethought Equality highlighted widespread gains for humanists and other nontheistic political candidates in Tuesday’s elections, and its affiliated PAC reported a remarkable increase in openly humanist, atheist, agnostic, and nonreligious candidates who ran for office this year (a full list of endorsements and their election results can be found here).
Perhaps the best news for all Americans is that voter turnout was reportedly high. We can only ensure the strength of our democracy if people are energized and undeterred from voting.
Jennifer Bardi
Senior Editor