The Ferrari Family Circus


Not a chance. As soon as he loses he has a mysterious broken bone/torn muscle which caused the loss and subsequent withdraw from the tourney. Only way to save face.
And that will be parroted by his groupies - just like he would have beat AB last year if Iowa hadn’t screwed him.

With kids/families like this, there’s always another excuse
And that will be parroted by his groupies - just like he would have beat AB last year if Iowa hadn’t screwed him.

With kids/families like this, there’s always another excuse
What's funny about that silliness is it's like they never watched AB wrestle. Hell, Hidlay would have bullied Ferrari right off the mat, and Hidlay wrestled AB like he was afraid of him.
And that will be parroted by his groupies - just like he would have beat AB last year if Iowa hadn’t screwed him.

With kids/families like this, there’s always another excuse
Are there really AJ groupies or is that just a hypothetical concept? And if yes, are said groupies third and fourth cousins or distant relatives of the Ferrari clan?
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Looks like a mild hammy to me. He should be destroying this competition though.
He just wanted a female to touch him..................................... while he got his wind back. Perfectly reasonable. What are the odds he screams in pain when he gets take down and is in peril? You think he gets "Austinism"? I do believe that is now the official Medical term for that affliction. Often referred to as RBYitis.......:)
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His reaction during that match did bring to mind thoughts of Austin, just slightly.

Take a second look at the splits picture above without starting the video. What's that pink residue on the mat beneath him? Might this explain where Carter's pink d@#&o reference came from? I was critical of that post at the time, but if it was factual....? It might explain his back and forth lunging style in neutral as well. Yuck
LIU..............Look Inside my Only Fans for 40 bucks........50 for bleached. Just spit balling ideas about how he is going to earn his NIL money.... :)
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Well I can say I am somewhat surprised that he has kept his act together this long. I wouldn't have given him the 3rd, 4th,... chance, but since CSUB has, I hope he keeps it up, as this is no small task for an extreme narcissist IMO.

I will believe it when I see it, but his goal has to be to keep it clean, win a NC, and get a big bag somewhere next year.

Can he stay scandal free for 2 years? My money is still against him, but the human side says a reformed toothless bumble is better than the alternative.

Well I can say I am somewhat surprised that he has kept his act together this long. I wouldn't have given him the 3rd, 4th,... chance, but since CSUB has, I hope he keeps it up, as this is no small task for an extreme narcissist IMO.

I will believe it when I see it, but his goal has to be to keep it clean, win a NC, and get a big bag somewhere next year.

Can he stay scandal free for 2 years? My money is still against him, but the human side says a reformed toothless bumble is better than the alternative.

Just because it isn't known to the public doesn't mean it didn't happen.
He has a constitutional right to beat his dog.
As most of you know.......I rarely get serious on here. BUT we have been seeing these abnormal behaviors since high school if not earlier. Isn't it time we ask questions about their childhood? many times had Children and Youth Services been called to their house? Is this Nature or Nurture? Genetics or Environment? Clearly there is something completely "Abby Normal" here. ( couldn't help myself )
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As most of you know.......I rarely get serious on here. BUT we have been seeing these abnormal behaviors since high school if not earlier. Isn't it time we ask questions about their childhood? many times had Children and Youth Services been called to their house? Is this Nature or Nurture? Genetics or Environment? Clearly there is something completely "Abby Normal" here. ( couldn't help myself )
There are serious anti social behavior in this family and that has a lot to do with environment and childhood trauma. I'm betting both played a role in these nitwits acting the way they do. People keep saying the youngest one is better than the others and that's great so far but he is far from over the hump. That family will continue to suck him back into their shit unless he cuts all ties and that's hard to do with family. Circus will continue until someone with authority stops it
As most of you know.......I rarely get serious on here. BUT we have been seeing these abnormal behaviors since high school if not earlier. Isn't it time we ask questions about their childhood? many times had Children and Youth Services been called to their house? Is this Nature or Nurture? Genetics or Environment? Clearly there is something completely "Abby Normal" here. ( couldn't help myself )
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As most of you know.......I rarely get serious on here. BUT we have been seeing these abnormal behaviors since high school if not earlier. Isn't it time we ask questions about their childhood? many times had Children and Youth Services been called to their house? Is this Nature or Nurture? Genetics or Environment? Clearly there is something completely "Abby Normal" here. ( couldn't help myself )
No. It's never time to speculate about Child/Youth Services being called. Let's be better than that.

It should be enough to just write them off as a bunch of assholes.
No. It's never time to speculate about Child/Youth Services being called. Let's be better than that.

It should be enough to just write them off as a bunch of assholes.
Agreed....But are they Nature or Nurture assholes? :)

PS: Children and Youth can't even legally tell anyone if there even was a report or that is completely moot. My point was that perhaps looking at possible reasons from their youth for their behavior might be worthwhile. Peace
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My bet is simply Genetics. Look at the dad and Uncle Carmine. I see a pattern.

Well, it's either that, or the dog wouldn't sit still for his butthole pictures.
