The Husker Board is a real hoot! (link)

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

Another thread laments that even if they could hire Urban Meyer (which is a 50-50 proposition in their double digit IQ minds), that he'd only be a short term fix - like 5 years or so.

What the hell is in those Runzas?
Wow, pure despair over there. Truly, they are in the wrong conference.... they are a shell of what the were prior. They used to get players from CA and TX, not so much anymore.
As the saying goes, the “N” stands for “nowledge”
I worked for Cutler hammer in moon back in 98. My boss was a Nebraska grad. Arrogant asshole. Always brought up 94 and claimed psu would have lost bad. He took credit for everything everyone in the dept did. Once I knew i was leaving i asked him what the n on the helmet stood for. He was too dumb to get it
Only board I’ve been banned on is that one.

After reading thread after thread of awful Ped State stuff, I was on there when Lawrence Phillips died in jail. Total scumbag but all those guys were reminiscing, rationalizing his behavior, praising St. Tom, etc.

so I asked them “did the pallbearers bounce his casket on the steps on the way out of the funeral service?” Boom - insta ban.

You will remember that’s what he did to that girl while he was in school and St. Tom allowed him to play because that was the best way to keep him on the straight And narrow. Always ahead of the curve was Osbourne.
Only board I’ve been banned on is that one.

After reading thread after thread of awful Ped State stuff, I was on there when Lawrence Phillips died in jail. Total scumbag but all those guys were reminiscing, rationalizing his behavior, praising St. Tom, etc.

so I asked them “did the pallbearers bounce his casket on the steps on the way out of the funeral service?” Boom - insta ban.

You will remember that’s what he did to that girl while he was in school and St. Tom allowed him to play because that was the best way to keep him on the straight And narrow. Always ahead of the curve was Osbourne.
There's lots of reasons why some fondly refer to Osborne as "Pope on a tractor"...
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