Trace has played in many big games in his career, including the run last year to the title, OSU, MSU, Michigan, Wisconsin, the Rose Bowl, etc, and yet he said he had jitters for the Pitt game. I immediately thought of a comparison to someone from the entertainment world who just recently described the same thing. Noel Gallagher, who has played countless stadium concerts for what was at one time the biggest group in England, Oasis, who recently described how he was more nervous and jittery for the concert for Manchester, for the tragedy. Gallagher of course is from Manchester, and it meant so much to him, something personal and more to him. This comparsion I thought rang true somehow, in that I do not think this is anything of a pattern or of that nature, but rather an odd occurance that can happen to great athletes, performers, etc, when the situation strikes so intensely personal and intimate to them. I think the fact that it was Pitt, it was that horror last year, the comeback and then the tragic ending, then Dorsett and his classless, vile remarks, etc.
I'll go ahead and call it now: You won't see that again from Trace. Glad we got that out of the way. Now it's all about business.
I'll go ahead and call it now: You won't see that again from Trace. Glad we got that out of the way. Now it's all about business.