TheMat amuses me

Chickenman Testa

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2003
Some of those posters hoping for someone/anyone to derail Cael remind me of the Japanese soldiers coming out of the Philippine Jungle in the 70s thinking WWII was still going on.

They say hope is the last thing to die. I guess that's right. Poor Headshuck has near lost his mind, though. He's about had enough and there's no Dual Championships on the horizon to hang his hat on. I think sparring with TBar will be the death of him.
It tough being Cael's door mat. The fan bases melt down come daily knowing they have little to no chance of a title. Until proven otherwise... they should sit their damn asses down, collect themselves and know being 2nd to what ever place their team falls has become their permanent place in the current state of collegiate wrestling.

How long are these dumbass's going to deny the titles? One after another, after another, after another, after another and then Penn State reloads and gets another. Shit down and shut the hell up. Cael's your daddy. Accept it.
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TBar1977 has what handle on BWI?!! :)
No idea, but his irrational exuberance for all things Cael and Penn State drives those guys crazy. It's pretty funny.

TBar is an unrepentant homer. So what. So are most of those other guys but they try to cloak themselves in some sort of faux objectivity, but it's transparent. They just don't have as much to woof about now.
The hate comes from a lot of psu posters acting like dbags all the time. It used to be Iowa posters were the worst when their team was on top. Most of the psu posters are fine, but when your team has won 5 out of the last 6 it can be easy to gloat, and more fairweather fans come out of the woodwork.
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How long are these dumbass's going to deny the titles? One after another, after another, after another, after another and then Penn State reloads and gets another. Shit down and shut the hell up. Cael's your daddy. Accept it.
Good advice!! :D
The hate comes from a lot of psu posters acting like dbags all the time. It used to be Iowa posters were the worst when their team was on top. Most of the psu posters are fine, but when your team has won 5 out of the last 6 it can be easy to gloat, and more fairweather fans come out of the woodwork.

Really? You Come here and tell us PSU is the worst fan base? Make your visits way less frequent
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Really? You Come here and tell us PSU is the worst fan base? Make your visits way less frequent

I didn't see where he said we were the worst fan base. FYI, I check out regularly because sometimes there is interesting stuff there but mostly it's a dumpster fire and he's right, there are a number of PSU (supposedly anyway) fans that do constantly troll. 21Guns often leads the way.
The hate comes from a lot of psu posters acting like dbags all the time. It used to be Iowa posters were the worst when their team was on top. Most of the psu posters are fine, but when your team has won 5 out of the last 6 it can be easy to gloat, and more fairweather fans come out of the woodwork.

Really? You Come here and tell us PSU is the worst fan base? Make your visits way less frequent

I don't believe he said that, js.
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Really? You Come here and tell us PSU is the worst fan base? Make your visits way less frequent

According to a scientific poll that I conducted Iowa has retained their crown as the nations worst fans, but Penn State remains determined to overtake them. Also, everyone knows that TBar1977 is Chickenman's alter ego.
I love our fans overall, and fyi, I know my share...but we have our crazies, just like every fan base. A little class, tolerance (because there will be folks that say stupid stuff), and restraint would go a long way...we're not "entitled" to anything.
According to a scientific poll that I conducted Iowa has retained their crown as the nations worst fans, but Penn State remains determined to overtake them. Also, everyone knows that TBar1977 is Chickenman's alter ego.
We need to declare a few more Fatwas on members of the wrestling press before we are truly contenders.
According to a scientific poll that I conducted Iowa has retained their crown as the nations worst fans, but Penn State remains determined to overtake them. Also, everyone knows that TBar1977 is Chickenman's alter ego.

I have conducted my own scientific poll that says fans who switch alliances mid stream, are probably worse than either.
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Really? You Come here and tell us PSU is the worst fan base? Make your visits way less frequent

Wasn't trying to say that. Most of our fans are passionate, knowledgable, and respectful of other teams and wrestlers. However there is a small but extremely vocal minority that bog down almost every thread on the mat with pettyness, and passive agressive commentary. This begets negative commentary against PSU and PSU fans, and ultimately lowers the quality of discussion on the forum, which really irks me because I'm just trying to talk wrestling.
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The hate comes from a lot of psu posters acting like dbags all the time. It used to be Iowa posters were the worst when their team was on top. Most of the psu posters are fine, but when your team has won 5 out of the last 6 it can be easy to gloat, and more fairweather fans come out of the woodwork.

All of your infrequent posts on HR and BWI either make Penn State fans look bad (by stealing the 1,000th post in the famous Brody Grothus thread) or rip Penn State fans directly.

Who is your team? And why the fake screen name?
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I love our fans overall, and fyi, I know my share...but we have our crazies, just like every fan base. A little class, tolerance (because there will be folks that say stupid stuff), and restraint would go a long way...we're not "entitled" to anything.

I hope that I am included on your crazy list. If not please add me.
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All of your infrequent posts on HR and BWI either make Penn State fans look bad (by stealing the 1,000th post in the famous Brody Grothus thread) or rip Penn State fans directly.

Who is your team? And why the fake screen name?
Fair enough, Penn State fan, lurked all the time never posted. Got hammered one night, and made a troll name and posted on HR. Never really planned on posting again, but ended up doing so. I should probably should just get a new handle.
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America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
- Abraham Lincoln

(Insert the ..... of some of those on this board)
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
- Abraham Lincoln

(Insert the ..... of some of those on this board)
"Link or it didn't happen." - Jammen

"FULL COURT PRESS !!!" - Spyker
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I know this may seem ironic coming from me, but TBar is a total embarrassment.
Poor TBar. He means well. As they say in the South, "bless his heart".

That said, RedBlades liked your post but his fan base contains a guy who is far more corrosive to productive message board banter - Scribe. Now that guy's a turd.
Poor TBar. He means well. As they say in the South, "bless his heart".

That said, RedBlades liked your post but his fan base contains a guy who is far more corrosive to productive message board banter - Scribe. Now that guy's a turd.

I'll say this for Scribe - I can honestly say I've never seen him make a negative post specifically about any team's wrestlers, or coaches. Now, he does poke fun at other schools (and one school in particular), and specifically at said school's fans... But then again, I think all of us fans are a little bit ridiculous when you think about it! ;-)

FWIW, I think Lemon Pie shows enough humility to laugh at himself a little - which is why I liked his post.
Poor TBar. He means well. As they say in the South, "bless his heart".

That said, RedBlades liked your post but his fan base contains a guy who is far more corrosive to productive message board banter - Scribe. Now that guy's a turd.
Hence my comment about The Mat being a clown factory.
I enjoy the mat and dont find it to be as awful as many others opine. If you peruse message boards nonsense is the norm not the exception. Then again I do enjoy a good dumpster fire here and there.

In other news Im pouring a little out for our homie tonight. We speak your name CowboyUp, we speak your name.
The hate comes from a lot of psu posters acting like dbags all the time. It used to be Iowa posters were the worst when their team was on top. Most of the psu posters are fine, but when your team has won 5 out of the last 6 it can be easy to gloat, and more fairweather fans come out of the woodwork.
Aka Amalone? Not the fair weather part....