Football Theo Johnson charged with pair of misdemeanors.

You don't know the details. Maybe said frat boy provoked Theo. He still never should have punched him. These frat boys ain't choir boys. How many of these deadly hazing incidents have occured by these frat boy punks?
There is no such thing as verbal provocation to warrant getting physical. Stop licking football player ballsack.
I am going to speculate.

  • TJ goes to the party with or without a wristband
  • Frat Bois (FB) asks for the wristband
  • TJ says he had one or never got one
  • FB asks him to leave.
  • TJ, feels he's entitled and doesn't need to leave
  • Other people see so now it has become personal, an embarrassing thing as manhoods are challenged
  • argument breaks out
    • chest to chest
    • fingers to chest
    • a push
    • a swing
    • expensive sunglasses get broken
    • FB suffers a concussion
  • TJ leaves as FBs call the cops
  • FB press charges

The key here is that TJ either didn't buy or forgot his wristband. Rather than address that, he got upset. Egos get in the way. Fist flies. It all comes down to entitlement and a lack of self-control. We've all seen this happen a million times. TJ will probably cop to a minor issue and pay a fine as well as agreeing to complete an anger control class.
And it is highly likely that said FB is a lot more brave with 30 or more brothers pledged to defend him.

That in no way exonerates TJ. In another circumstance cooler heads may have prevailed...
There is no such thing as verbal provocation to warrant getting physical. Stop licking football player ballsack.
Frat boy played a role in this. Stop giving them a pass. Theo should not have punched him but who knows what provoked him.
Frat boy played a role in this. Stop giving them a pass. Theo should not have punched him but who knows what provoked him.
Who cares what happened before the punch? That's irrelevant. All that matter is who committed the alleged crime.
And it is highly likely that said FB is a lot more brave with 30 or more brothers pledged to defend him.

That in no way exonerates TJ. In another circumstance cooler heads may have prevailed...
IMHO brave = stupid

It takes two to tango. Let’s hope these young boys both learned big life lessons. Anytime you have a disaster it is rarely one side’s fault.
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Frat boy played a role in this. Stop giving them a pass. Theo should not have punched him but who knows what provoked him.
Do you even read what you write? You claim the fraternity member had a role but in the next sentence state “who knows what provoked him.” 🙄🙄🙄 Your bias is showing too.
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The kid made a dumb mistake and I’m sure there will be consequences, both legal and from CJF. That said, let’s not act like he’s a serial killer.
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The kid made a dumb mistake and I’m sure there will be consequences, both legal and from CJF. That said, let’s not act like he’s a serial killer.
Chisley, LaVon : (

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I dont get why people think he should sit game(s) for a misdemeanor that occurred 5 months earlier. He will be punished legally and by Franklin now. If this occurred during the season then hell yes he should sit.
I dont get why people think he should sit game(s) for a misdemeanor that occurred 5 months earlier. He will be punished legally and by Franklin now. If this occurred during the season then hell yes he should sit.
Because games matter...any other punishment isn't going to be considered legit
I dont get why people think he should sit game(s) for a misdemeanor that occurred 5 months earlier. He will be punished legally and by Franklin now. If this occurred during the season then hell yes he should sit.
I think the notion is that CJF will sit the player for x number of games as CJF's punishment and statement to the team.
Do you even read what you write? You claim the fraternity member had a role but in the next sentence state “who knows what provoked him.” 🙄🙄🙄 Your bias is showing too.
That's right, something provoked Theo. I highly doubt it was "You need a wrist band" then boom Theo clocks the guy. So, said Frat boy had a role in this and he is not innocent and blameless. Theo needed to walk away but he didn't. Big mistake that he will learn from.
I am always amazed at the psychology of fans that can justify anything that happens to one of their players and assume that it's a much lesser deal than it might actually be, while assuming the worst when anything happens to one of their rivals' players.

Then again, I guess people that care about politics do the same thing every day too (or those that think the referees/announcers are always out to get their team).
That's right, something provoked Theo. I highly doubt it was "You need a wrist band" then boom Theo clocks the guy. So, said Frat boy had a role in this and he is not innocent and blameless. Theo needed to walk away but he didn't. Big mistake that he will learn from.
Were you there?
That's right, something provoked Theo. I highly doubt it was "You need a wrist band" then boom Theo clocks the guy. So, said Frat boy had a role in this and he is not innocent and blameless. Theo needed to walk away but he didn't. Big mistake that he will learn from.
These kids are pros now…too much “consequences” and Theo will take his show elsewhere.
Yea, I thought about that. Will be interesting to see how it is handled. I’m sure Franklin knows a lot more about the situation than we do.
Because games matter...any other punishment isn't going to be considered legit
And Franklin has a track record of game suspension as a consequence. He also has the rest of the team watching what he does, knowing how he has handled previous situations. He has to be consistent.
These kids are pros now…too much “consequences” and Theo will take his show elsewhere.
The transfer portal window closes Sunday. I doubt that consequences will be announced before then.
And Franklin has a track record of game suspension as a consequence. He also has the rest of the team watching what he does, knowing how he has handled previous situations. He has to be consistent.
What if he's not?
Some of the lesser talented kids might leave?

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