I remember real time updates from the Boston Marathon bomber and the case to capture them. Someone on here was giving us stuff in real time.
That was one of the best threads. Multiple people posting what was being reported and some locals in the Boston area joining in as well. Everything was in real time and centralized on 1 site from multiple sources across the country. It was the best of what the internet could be.
This board has always been a great site for help on just about every topic. It was a good distraction for me when I was blindsided by a sudden health issue. I know it was a good distraction for others as well.
It’s funny how people you don’t know can come together as ‘friends’ on an anonymous message board.
I’ll miss hearing about-
-Fairgambit Enterprise’s latest bargain
- Glov showing his great love for Duke and Notre Dame
- The yearly Pittsburgh vs Philadelphia pot shots generally coming from the Pens vs Flyers posts
-ChiTown’s contributions with his twitterverse contacts.
- Learning about people’s experiences and recommendations from their trips to just about every major city in the world
- How posters from Minnesota, Cal, Rutgers, Auburn etc are welcomed posters here (after a bit of hazing first

- And, of course, all the Penn State talk from football to basketball, hockey, wrestling, etc.
Best of all, I really liked how this board would contain some very clever responses and could bring out the humor in just about any topic.
I hope this board survives in some form and the rumors of its demise are not true.