Last time..... but I don’t think I can do you any good unless you take the time to work it out on your own.
The fault lies with a basic - and utterly incorrect - premise that if you perform at a level equal to your recruiting rankings that means that your coaching was “average”.
It doesn’t.
But I imagine that most of the folks who read the OP will plant that incorrect premise in their brains.
Unless and until you can get that incorrect premise out of your head (which, from what I’ve seen in various venues, is a VERY difficult thing for most folks to do) you will never be able to grasp what IS correct.
The incorrect premise will always roadblock that process - until you blow it up.
If you really do want to “get it” the best thing you could do - I think - is go back to the 12th post in this thread and read it, carefully and critically, until you are sure you have digested it completely.
That might remove the roadblock.
I think that is - truly - as much help as I can be.
I’ll check out of this thread - because I know there will be a whole lot of stoopid posted by some folks from here on out (and, as some would attest, I have little patience for that when I see it

) ..... but if you do have a specific question, post a seperate thread and I’ll respond if I can.