Throat slash

It's been talked about a good bit in other threads. These refs were reffing an entirely different game.
You know, if we are going to continue with the nonsensical clusterfudge that is the targeting rule, and particularly with its automatic suspension for clearly defined misconduct, perhaps it might make sense to allow for "post game" review and discipline of players who violate even more clear-cut standards like the throat slash prohibition.
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Is this something we really WANT called though? I get the throat slash gesture is considered taboo now but let's be honest, it's not something even worth getting worked up about. I wanna roll back all of the outrage a little bit on things like this. It just seems like we get caught up in the weeds on things like this that really don't matter at all.
Is this something we really WANT called though? I get the throat slash gesture is considered taboo now but let's be honest, it's not something even worth getting worked up about. I wanna roll back all of the outrage a little bit on things like this. It just seems like we get caught up in the weeds on things like this that really don't matter at all.
Harmless fun. When the crowd boos I'd like to see the visiting team flip the double bird to everyone. It's just a gesture and doesn't really matter. It'd be great!! I remember the time an NFL player drew a penalty after a TD for acting like a dog pissing on the goal post. Why a penalty?? It didn't matter.
Did anyone see the auburn defender make the throat slash after he made a defensive play in the first quarter? Camera had a close up shot!! Of course. No penalty!
rewatched game last night. It happened on the first play of our second possession. Clifford ran a keeper that got stuffed for loss and Smoke stood over him and very obviously and dramatically did throat slash. If taunting/ sportsmanship is a penalty then this should have been called.

The question of whether taunting should be a penalty is a topic for different thread.
Is this something we really WANT called though? I get the throat slash gesture is considered taboo now but let's be honest, it's not something even worth getting worked up about. I wanna roll back all of the outrage a little bit on things like this. It just seems like we get caught up in the weeds on things like this that really don't matter at all.
I'm OK with it if that is applied equally. Didn't Penn State get called for a RB shushing the crowd?
rewatched game last night. It happened on the first play of our second possession. Clifford ran a keeper that got stuffed for loss and Smoke stood over him and very obviously and dramatically did throat slash. If taunting/ sportsmanship is a penalty then this should have been called.

The question of whether taunting should be a penalty is a topic for different thread.
for the record, i think penalizing the throat slash is silly. yes, there's a point where taunting ought to be a penalty, because at the end of the day, as hopped up as some of these kids are, it's necessary to maintain game management and discipline. Not to mention that the name of the penalty -- "unsportsmanlike conduct" -- in itself refers to something that we shouldnt want our athletes to aspire to. But categorical violations for this gesture or that are silly.

And the way you really use it for discipline purposes is not to give individual players two bites at the unsportsmanlike apple like they do now, but rather to give each team one bite at it. In other words, it's the second guy on a team that commits one that gets tossed.
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rewatched game last night. It happened on the first play of our second possession. Clifford ran a keeper that got stuffed for loss and Smoke stood over him and very obviously and dramatically did throat slash. If taunting/ sportsmanship is a penalty then this should have been called.

The question of whether taunting should be a penalty is a topic for different thread.
I'm OK with it if that is applied equally. Didn't Penn State get called for a RB shushing the crowd?
IDK about the shushing part ( I was astounded that Juwan didn't get called for it at Iowa) but I do remember one of our RB's got called for pointing to the sky after scoring a td against SU.
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Harmless fun. When the crowd boos I'd like to see the visiting team flip the double bird to everyone. It's just a gesture and doesn't really matter. It'd be great!! I remember the time an NFL player drew a penalty after a TD for acting like a dog pissing on the goal post. Why a penalty?? It didn't matter.
Ummm no, lets not do any of that.
Its low class.
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for the record, i think penalizing the throat slash is silly. yes, there's a point where taunting ought to be a penalty, because at the end of the day, as hopped up as some of these kids are, it's necessary to maintain game management and discipline. Not to mention that the name of the penalty -- "unsportsmanlike conduct" -- in itself refers to something that we shouldnt want our athletes to aspire to. But categorical violations for this gesture or that are silly.

And the way you really use it for discipline purposes is not to give individual players two bites at the unsportsmanlike apple like they do now, but rather to give each team one bite at it. In other words, it's the second guy on a team that commits one that gets tossed.
I really think they should put striped shirts on all of the defensive backs, since they call every incomplete pass anymore. That's kind of getting old too.
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I'm OK with it if that is applied equally. Didn't Penn State get called for a RB shushing the crowd?

Yeah, I agree. I think we need to pull it back a little bit and not get so upset over these little things. They just shouldn't be penalties at all. I'm fine with just letting this stuff go and would prefer it, on either team.
IDK about the shushing part ( I was astounded that Juwan didn't get called for it at Iowa) but I do remember one of our RB's got called for pointing to the sky after scoring a td against SU.
There was a penalty on that Johnson play though, no? I thought we kicked (or placed) the XP from farther back. I don't think the broadcast ever mentioned the penalty.

Somebody did get flagged for a shush or something stupid like that in the last several years.

Marcus Allen should have been flagged for taunting after the safety vs. Pitt a few years ago.
Rewatching the throat slash, kept watching until Theo Johnsons catch near the end of the 1st Q. I'm starting to obsess about this, but STILL CAN'T BELIEVE they marked him down at the 4. If they set the ball at the 2 I would've thought they were giving Auburn a favorable spot, but the 4???
Believe me, I wish it would go both ways…like after a long catch Dotson would have dropped his nuts on Smoke Monday’s facemask and just stared down at him. But let’s be real, Franklin is not going to allow that. The “shushing” of an away crowd is about as far as it goes, and that’s only because they don’t call that a penalty anymore. Other stuff won’t be tolerated by CJF, whether it’s a penalty or not. So the “just let the kids play” theory doesn’t really apply in a practical manner to Penn State does it?
Believe me, I wish it would go both ways…like after a long catch Dotson would have dropped his nuts on Smoke Monday’s facemask and just stared down at him. But let’s be real, Franklin is not going to allow that. The “shushing” of an away crowd is about as far as it goes, and that’s only because they don’t call that a penalty anymore. Other stuff won’t be tolerated by CJF, whether it’s a penalty or not. So the “just let the kids play” theory doesn’t really apply in a practical manner to Penn State does it?
Love Franklin…but he allows a lot…perhaps we are just not accustomed to it…but FWIW, i don’t think it’s a big deal…but act like a fool and you just confirm your self worth.
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Rewatching the throat slash, kept watching until Theo Johnsons catch near the end of the 1st Q. I'm starting to obsess about this, but STILL CAN'T BELIEVE they marked him down at the 4. If they set the ball at the 2 I would've thought they were giving Auburn a favorable spot, but the 4???
Looks like a relatively good spot to me (maybe a half yard off at most)…

Did anyone see the auburn defender make the throat slash after he made a defensive play in the first quarter? Camera had a close up shot!! Of course. No penalty!

Smoke Monday also stood over Dodson and clearly violated the Taunting Rule after tackling him for a 5 yard loss on 3rd down with 7:45 remaining in game. Beyond obvious Taunting Violation - if called correctly, PSU has the ball at midfield 1st-&-10 with 7:45 remaining. Given that the play was to Dotson, all of the Official's clearly saw what Monday did (which is absolutely illegal and an automatic Unsportsmanlike Conduct PF Penalty, just like the "throat-slashing" gesture), but the Officials just blithely ignored because it would have meant a 1st Down for PSU at midfield rather than an Auburn 3rd Down stop when they absolutely had to have the ball back.
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Is this something we really WANT called though? I get the throat slash gesture is considered taboo now but let's be honest, it's not something even worth getting worked up about. I wanna roll back all of the outrage a little bit on things like this. It just seems like we get caught up in the weeds on things like this that really don't matter at all.

Really??? The b1g cheating zebras called a PSU WR for Taunting (15 Yard PF Unsportsmanlike Penalty) for making the "Shush" sign (finger across closed lips) to opposing fans after catching a TD Pass.
Yeah? Now go check the Strange spot on PSU's last score - Strange makes it inside the 2 before going OB and they marked him back at the 3 1/2 yard line.
They marked him just inside the 3…seems like the 1 and a half was more accurate.
Yeah, I agree. I think we need to pull it back a little bit and not get so upset over these little things. They just shouldn't be penalties at all. I'm fine with just letting this stuff go and would prefer it, on either team.

What horseshit - who gives a crap what you're fine with? Making the "Throat Slash" gesture is SPECIFICALLY CALLED OUT as an automatic Taunting Penalty in the NCAA Rulebook, as is "Standing Over a Player Trash-Talking". It doesn't matter what you think Mikey, it matters what the Rulebook says.
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They marked him just inside the 3…seems like the 1 and a half was more accurate.

IOW, even using your overly generous characterization, they marked Strange twice as far from the goal-line as he actually got, which is huge - MASSIVE - on that type of 1st-&-Goal situation. You're increasing the chances of the defense getting a stop & forcing a FG attempt exponentially by doubling the distance from the Goal-Line on this type of spot! But let me guess, the Official had no idea that he was doubling the distance Strange was actually from the Goal-Line???
IOW, even using your overly generous characterization, they marked Strange twice as far from the goal-line as he actually got, which is huge - MASSIVE - on that type of 1st-&-Goal situation. You're increasing the chances of the defense getting a stop & forcing a FG attempt exponentially by doubling the distance from the Goal-Line on this type of spot! But let me guess, the Official had no idea that he was doubling the distance Strange was actually from the Goal-Line???
Man all you do is whine whine whine. Game is over Penn State won. Give it a rest already
IOW, even using your overly generous characterization, they marked Strange twice as far from the goal-line as he actually got, which is huge - MASSIVE - on that type of 1st-&-Goal situation. You're increasing the chances of the defense getting a stop & forcing a FG attempt exponentially by doubling the distance from the Goal-Line on this type of spot! But let me guess, the Official had no idea that he was doubling the distance Strange was actually from the Goal-Line???
Of course the official didn’t “know” he was marking him short of where he got…he doesn’t get to slow it down frame by frame after the fact to see the spot like I can. Though it goes against your conspiracy theories, officials are trying to do the best job they can…it’s how they advance to the postseason and make the leap to the NFL or other pro leagues.
IDK about the shushing part ( I was astounded that Juwan didn't get called for it at Iowa) but I do remember one of our RB's got called for pointing to the sky after scoring a td against SU.
Bill Belton got called for it I am pretty sure

edit, beaten to it, good job guys, I should have scrolled first
I remember JoePa giving Lamar Stewart hell for standing over Jeff Smoker after a sack and then finding out that Stewart was just checking to see if Smoker was ok

pretty sure it was Lamar Stewart
Of course the official didn’t “know” he was marking him short of where he got…he doesn’t get to slow it down frame by frame after the fact to see the spot like I can. Though it goes against your conspiracy theories, officials are trying to do the best job they can…it’s how they advance to the postseason and make the leap to the NFL or other pro leagues.

Actually, you're incorrect as per usual (you must be an awful Official), spots are Reviewable and the Rulebook states that egregiously bad spots should AUTOMATICALLY be reviewed and changed by the Replay Booth Official via initiating a call to the Referee and telling him his Field Officials spotted the ball incorrectly (in this case the Side Judge and Back Judge). Marking such a play double the distance from the Goal-Line that Strange had reached is egregious (as was the Mustipher spot relative to where the ball was when the play was blown dead - which is the "controlling factor" for the ball spot on that play). Neither was corrected by the worse than abysmal Crews that worked the game.
Actually, you're incorrect as per usual (you must be an awful Official), spots are Reviewable and the Rulebook states that egregiously bad spots should AUTOMATICALLY be reviewed and changed by the Replay Booth Official via initiating a call to the Referee and telling him his Field Officials spotted the ball incorrectly (in this case the Side Judge and Back Judge). Marking such a play double the distance from the Goal-Line that Strange had reached is egregious
The spot on the play in question is not reviewable. Not sure where you get your “it’s egregious, so they can review it”, but it’s not from the NCAA’s 2021 Rule Book, that’s for sure.
Is this something we really WANT called though? I get the throat slash gesture is considered taboo now but let's be honest, it's not something even worth getting worked up about. I wanna roll back all of the outrage a little bit on things like this. It just seems like we get caught up in the weeds on things like this that really don't matter at all.
It’s called having respect for your opponent. Can we have a little of that? Is that still a thing?
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