Tomorrow, if you live in PA, get your butt out of bed and vote in the primary.

Vote early and vote often!

I wish on the ballots an asterisk was present next to each incumbent's name to easily identify them and not vote for the rat bastards.
Why aren't there any other parties on the primary? If public funds are being used for a primary, then the only ones to benefit are party members. Seems if the party wants to have a private election, they should shoulder all the costs.
There could easily be other parties on the primary ballot if other parties had enough support to do so. People fall in line behind a "D" or an "R" which is a shame.
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I will vote tomorrow. I have voted in every primary and general election for the past 47 years. However, it's hardly worth my time. In my district there are unopposed school board members, an unopposed commissioner, and judges on the ballot. Thus, the only decision I have to make is the judges. I have researched those on the ballot and I have no idea how to vote. They all say the same thing: tough on crime, will stop the heroin epidemic, etc. etc. I have no way to make a decision so I suppose I will just randomly choose.
YOU should have run instead of bitching about others not running.
In case anybody's interested, our district (in Shaler, in Pittsburgh's northern suburbs) is roughly 55% Dem, 45% GOP. We had around a 30% turnout. 32% of our registered Dems voted, 27% of our registered Republicans voted. Overall, turnout was 30% which is pretty good for a primary that didn't have anything sexy like congressional, gubernatorial or even state house/senate races.