Tragic. RIP PSU Lacrosse Goalie Connor Darcey

Cause of death appears to be a car accident, per this in the Swellesley Report. Rest in Peace.

Wellesley, Penn State mourn loss of Connor Darcey
By BBROWN | Published: JUNE 12, 2015

Connor Darcey, an MVP-caliber lacrosse goalie at Wellesley High School who just finished his sophomore year at Penn State, died tragically overnight in a car accident in Boston‘s North End. Another Wellesley High graduate was critically injured in the accident, which also took the life of a 27-year-old man.

Wellesley Public School Superintendent David Lussier issued a memo Friday afternoon about the incident (not releasing the victims’ names), informing the Wellesley community that “Crisis counselors have been on hand at Wellesley High School today to support students and staff and will be on site Monday as well. Additionally, the Human Relations Service (HRS), Wellesley’s private, non-profit community mental agency, is an excellent resource (781-235-4950) for parents, staff, and students who may need support or who have questions and/or concerns.”

We made mention in March that Darcey was back in town, at Babson College, to play in a lacrosse match for Penn State. He was the team’s starting goalie.

Friends and followers of Darcey’s lacrosse career have been sharing remembrances on Twitter.
Condolence to the family. Death of a child by any circumstance is a tradgedy.