About time it was noticed. Beto, Petey and all the others are fomenting hate and dividing Americans. Likely they will have blood on their hands sooner or later.
No one foments hate as much as, and better than democrats.
Conservative Scholar: The Real Racists Are People Who Call Trump Racist
This could, repeat, could, be a learning moment for @LafayetteBear .
Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald comes to the president’s defense in a new Wall Street Journal op-ed (“Trump Isn’t the One Dividing Us by Race”). Mac Donald has devoted her career to the proposition that anti-white racism is a far more serious problem than anti-black racism, and her latest effort represents the state of the art in Trumpian racial apologetics.
“Mr. Trump rarely uses racial categories in his speech or his tweets,” argues Mac Donald. Rather, it is Democrats and the liberal media “who routinely characterize individuals and groups by race and issue race-based denunciations of large parts of the American polity.”
Mac Donald’s premise is that racism is defined by overt reference to racial identity. She provides several examples of reporters and Democrats committing such offenses. A Washington Post news story noted that a recent debate consisted of “10 white Democratic candidates”; various reports have described Trump’s rally audiences as “overwhelmingly white”; Kirsten Gillibrand said “whiteness is what protects” white people from mistreatment by police, and so on.
No one foments hate as much as, and better than democrats.
Conservative Scholar: The Real Racists Are People Who Call Trump Racist
This could, repeat, could, be a learning moment for @LafayetteBear .
Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald comes to the president’s defense in a new Wall Street Journal op-ed (“Trump Isn’t the One Dividing Us by Race”). Mac Donald has devoted her career to the proposition that anti-white racism is a far more serious problem than anti-black racism, and her latest effort represents the state of the art in Trumpian racial apologetics.
“Mr. Trump rarely uses racial categories in his speech or his tweets,” argues Mac Donald. Rather, it is Democrats and the liberal media “who routinely characterize individuals and groups by race and issue race-based denunciations of large parts of the American polity.”
Mac Donald’s premise is that racism is defined by overt reference to racial identity. She provides several examples of reporters and Democrats committing such offenses. A Washington Post news story noted that a recent debate consisted of “10 white Democratic candidates”; various reports have described Trump’s rally audiences as “overwhelmingly white”; Kirsten Gillibrand said “whiteness is what protects” white people from mistreatment by police, and so on.