So I have summed the class sizes for all power 5 schools and Notre Dame for the 4 year (2016 - 2019 classes), 5 year (2015 - 2019), and 10 year (2010 - 2019) recruiting cycles. The schools with the highest numbers of recruits likely had the most wash outs, injuries (sort of a wash out), transfers (another wash out but I'll need to account for this differently in the future with the advent of the portal that has made this number much higher this year), and of course early draft entrants.
The wash out rate I calculate is the number above 85 (less the early NFL draft entrants, can't include that as a wash out) divided by 85 for the 4 year. For the 5 year, the number 85 becomes 106.25 in the formula since that is 5/4 of 85. For the 10 year, the number 85 is actually 212.5.
So do the schools with the highest Wash Out Rate process kids out of their program? Very likely, but they also may have had some injuries and transfers for legit reasons. What does it mean if a school has a negative wash out rate? Well, likely they don't do much of any processing and they probably have a good number using their 5 year of eligibility.
Some interesting things I saw in the data:
1) Michigan has surged to the top of the Wash Out list recently. I don't know what they are doing up there but I think I'd be weary of it if I were a recruit.
2) Wash St must have had a bring in too many and process strategy for a long time.
3) Purdue seems to have always had a little processing but ramped it up as of late.
4) I thought the SEC would dominate in the processing and they have a lot of schools up there in the Wash Out Rate, but they have competition in this area.
5) LSU recruits must care about only 1 thing and that's the NFL because they have a ridiculous number of early NFL entrants (37, next highest Florida at 29 and then FSU at 27) since the 2013 draft. Either that or the kids just want the heck out of LSU.
6) Speaking of early entrants, Georgia Tech is the only power 5 school with 0 since the 2013 draft. There was even one from Brown and some school called Friends which I though was a 90s sitcom.
7) Stanford and Northwestern seem to want to beat teams with experience because they have very negative Wash Out rates indicating likely less roster turnover and lots of redshirt seniors. Maybe this is how they can compete at a decent but not elite level without processing or paying recruits? It looks like PSU used to follow this strategy but has evolved a little. Interestingly, Clemson has done very well as of late with a low Wash Out Rate.
The list below is by the Wash Out Rank (4 year) and also includes school name / total 4 year class size / number of 2019 early NFL draft entrants / 4 Year Wash Out Rate
1 Wash St /106 /1 /23.53%
2 Mich /103 /4 /16.47%
3 Texas/ 100/ 1 /16.47%
4 Purdue /99 /0 1/6.47%
5 V. Tech /99 /0 /16.47%
6 S.Car /98 /0 /15.29%
7 Ole Miss /101/ 4 /14.12%
8 Iowa St /99 /2 /14.12%
9 TCU /97/ 0 /14.12%
10 Utah/97/ 0/ 14.12%
11 Alabama /103/ 7/ 12.94%
12 Oregon /97/ 1/ 12.94%
13 UVA /96 /0/ 12.94%
14 Georgia/ 99/ 4/ 11.76%
15 Tex A&M/ 99/ 4/ 11.76%
16 LSU/ 98/ 3 /11.76%
17 Kentucky/ 96/ 1/ 11.76%
18 Tenn/ 96/ 1 /11.76%
19 WVU/ 95/ 1/ 10.59%
20 Minnesota /94/ 0/ 10.59%
21 Colorado /94/ 0/ 10.59%
22 Illinois /93/ 0/ 9.41%
23 Indiana /93/ 0/ 9.41%
24 Nebraska /93/ 0 /9.41%
25 Baylor /93/ 0/ 9.41%
26 Oregon St /93/ 0/ 9.41%
27 UCLA /94/ 2/ 8.24%
28 Missouri/ 93/ 1/ 8.24%
29 Maryland /92/ 0/ 8.24%
30 N. Car /93/ 2 /7.06%
31 Oklahoma /96/ 6 /5.88%
32 Notre Dame/ 93/ 3/ 5.88%
33 NC St /92/ 2/ 5.88%
34 Pitt /90 /0/ 5.88%
35 Arkansas /90 /1 /4.71%
36 Rutgers /89/ 0 /4.71%
37 Florida /93/ 5/ 3.53%
38 Iowa /92 /4 /3.53%
39 FSU /91 /3 /3.53%
40 Cal /88 /0 /3.53%
41 USC /88 /0 /3.53%
42 Auburn/ 90 /3 /2.35%
43 Okla St/ 89/ 2/ 2.35%
44 Miss St/ 88 /1 /2.35%
45 K State /88/ 1/ 2.35%
46 Syracuse /87/ 0 /2.35%
47 Mich St /87 /1 /1.18%
48 Ariz /86 /0 /1.18%
49 Louisville /86/ 0 /1.18%
50 Wake Forest /86/ 1/ 0.00%
51 Georgia Tech /85/ 0/ 0.00%
52 Ohio St 89 /6 /-2.35%
53 Penn St 88 /5 /-2.35%
54 Texas Tech /84/ 1 /-2.35%
55 Ariz St /84 /1 /-2.35%
56 Kansas /83/ 0 /-2.35%
57 Wisconsin/ 83 /1 /-3.53%
58 Vandy /82 /1/ -4.71%
59 Miami /83 /3/ -5.88%
60 Duke /81/ 2 /-7.06%
61 BC /80 /1 /-7.06%
62 Clemson/ 81/ 4/ -9.41%
63 Washington /78/ 2/ -10.59%
64 NW /76 /0 /-10.59%
65 Stanford /76/ 3/ -14.12%
The list below is by the Wash Out Rank (5 year) and also includes school name / total 5 year class size / number of 2018 and 2019 early NFL draft entrants / 5 Year Wash Out Rate
1 Wash St /131/ 3/ 20.47%
2 S.Car /129/ 1/ 20.47%
3 Purdue /125/ 1/ 16.71%
4 Georgia /129/ 6 /15.76%
5 Texas /129 /7 /14.82%
6 Tenn /126/ 4/ 14.82%
7 Iowa St /123/ 2/ 13.88%
8 Tex A&M /126/ 5/ 13.88%
9 V. Tech /123/ 3 /12.94%
10 Utah /120/ 0 /12.94%
11 UVA /119/ 0 /12.00%
12 Ole Miss /123 /5 /11.06%
13 TCU /118/ 0/ 11.06%
14 Oregon /119/ 1/ 11.06%
15 Minnesota /118/ 0 /11.06%
16 Illinois /117/ 0/ 10.12%
17 Kentucky /117 /1/ 9.18%
18 WVU /117 1/ 9.18%
19 Missouri /117/ 1 /9.18%
20 Alabama /127/ 12 /8.24%
21 Indiana /116/ 1/ 8.24%
22 Rutgers /115/ 0 /8.24%
23 Syracuse/ 115/ 0/ 8.24%
24 Arkansas /115/ 1/ 7.29%
25 Miss St /115 /1 /7.29%
26 Mich /117/ 4 /6.35%
27 Oklahoma/ 124/ 11/ 6.35%
28 Cal /113 /0/ 6.35%
29 LSU/ 122 /10 /5.41%
30 Colorado /113 /1 /5.41%
31 Nebraska /114 /2 /5.41%
32 Baylor /112 /0 /5.41%
33 Oregon St /113 /1/ 5.41%
34 USC /116 /4/ 5.41%
35 Auburn /119/ 7 /5.41%
36 Ariz /112/ 0/ 5.41%
37 Georgia Tech /112/ 0/ 5.41%
38 NC St /115 /4 /4.47%
39 Notre Dame/ 116 /6 /3.53%
40 N. Car /112 /3/ 2.59%
41 Wake Forest /111/ 2/ 2.59%
42 Maryland /110/ 2/ 1.65%
43 Okla St /110 /2 /1.65%
44 Louisville /111/ 3 /1.65%
45 Kansas /109/ 1/ 1.65%
46 UCLA /113 /6 /0.71%
47 Iowa /113 /6 /0.71%
48 K State /110/ 3 /0.71%
49 Mich St /108 /1 /0.71%
50 Penn St /113 /6 /0.71%
51 Florida /114 /8/ -0.24%
52 Ohio St /114 /9/ -1.18%
53 BC /105 /1 /-2.12%
54 Ariz St/ 107 /4 /-3.06%
55 Pitt /105 /3 /-4.00%
56 FSU /111 /9/ -4.00%
57 Texas Tech /103 /2/ -4.94%
58 Wisconsin /102/ 2/ -5.88%
59 Vandy/ 101/ 1/ -5.88%
60 Washington /103/ 3/ -5.88%
61 Clemson/ 107 /8/ -6.82%
62 Miami /105/ 7/ -7.76%
63 Duke/ 99/ 2 /-8.71%
64 NW /96/ 0/ -9.65%
65 Stanford /98/ 7/ -14.35%
The list below is by the Wash Out Rank (10 year) and also includes school name / total 10 year class size / number of 2013 trough 2019 early NFL draft entrants / 10 Year Wash Out Rate
1 Wash St /254 /5 /17.18%2 Iowa St /248/ 3/ 15.29%
3 Tenn /257/ 13/ 14.82%
4 S.Car/ 251/ 9/ 13.88%
5 Kentucky/ 244/ 3/ 13.41%
6 Ole Miss /250/ 10 /12.94%
7 Alabama /255/ 15/ 12.94%
8 Syracuse /244/ 4/ 12.94%
9 Arkansas /246/ 7/ 12.47%
10 Ariz /241/ 3/ 12.00%
11 Georgia /248/ 12/ 11.06%
12 Indiana /243/ 7/ 11.06%
13 Texas Tech /239/ 4/ 10.59%
14 Miss St /240 /6/ 10.12%
15 Auburn /250/ 16/ 10.12%
16 Purdue /235/ 2/ 9.65%
17 V. Tech /239/ 6/ 9.65%
18 WVU /238/ 5/ 9.65%
19 Minnesota /233/ 1 9.18%
20 Baylor /238/ 6/ 9.18%
21 Tex A&M /245/ 14/ 8.71%
22 TCU /235/ 4/ 8.71%
23 Okla St/ 237/ 6/ 8.71%
24 Texas /241/ 11/ 8.24%
25 Illinois /231/ 1 /8.24%
26 Oregon St /234/ 4/ 8.24%
27 Missouri/ 235/ 6/ 7.76%
28 Utah /233/ 5 /7.29%
29 UVA /229 /2 /6.82%
30 Rutgers /232/ 5/ 6.82%
31 Oklahoma /247/ 20 /6.82%
32 Mich /233 /7/ 6.35%
33 NC St /233/ 8/ 5.88%
34 Iowa /230/ 6/ 5.41%
35 Colorado /226/ 3/ 4.94%
36 Kansas /225/ 2/ 4.94%
37 Ariz St /228/ 7/ 4.00%
38 Oregon /227/ 7/ 3.53%
39 Miami /234 /15 /3.06%
40 Washington /230/ 12 /2.59%
41 Nebraska /221/ 5 /1.65%
42 Vandy /219/ 4/ 1.18%
43 Wake Forest /216/ 2/ 0.71%
44 K State /219/ 5/ 0.71%
45 LSU /249/ 37/ -0.24%
46 Maryland /217/ 5/ -0.24%
47 Louisville /220/ 8/ -0.24%
48 FSU/ 239/ 27/ -0.24%
49 Pitt /216/ 5/ -0.71%
50 N. Car /219/ 10/ -1.65%
51 UCLA /225/ 16/ -1.65%
52 Mich St /217/ 8/ -1.65%
53 Georgia Tech /207/ 0/ -2.59%
54 Florida /236/ 29/ -2.59%
55 BC /209/ 2 /-2.59%
56 Notre Dame /224 /18 -3.06%
57 Ohio St /232 /26 /-3.06%
58 Cal /214/ 12/ -4.94%
59 Wisconsin /208/ 6/ -4.94%
60 USC /219/ 19/ -5.88%
61 Clemson /224/ 24/ -5.88%
62 Duke /200/ 2/ -6.82%
63 Penn St /208/ 14/ -8.71%
64 NW /184/ 1/ -13.88%
65 Stanford/ 193/ 18/ -17.65%
The wash out rate I calculate is the number above 85 (less the early NFL draft entrants, can't include that as a wash out) divided by 85 for the 4 year. For the 5 year, the number 85 becomes 106.25 in the formula since that is 5/4 of 85. For the 10 year, the number 85 is actually 212.5.
So do the schools with the highest Wash Out Rate process kids out of their program? Very likely, but they also may have had some injuries and transfers for legit reasons. What does it mean if a school has a negative wash out rate? Well, likely they don't do much of any processing and they probably have a good number using their 5 year of eligibility.
Some interesting things I saw in the data:
1) Michigan has surged to the top of the Wash Out list recently. I don't know what they are doing up there but I think I'd be weary of it if I were a recruit.
2) Wash St must have had a bring in too many and process strategy for a long time.
3) Purdue seems to have always had a little processing but ramped it up as of late.
4) I thought the SEC would dominate in the processing and they have a lot of schools up there in the Wash Out Rate, but they have competition in this area.
5) LSU recruits must care about only 1 thing and that's the NFL because they have a ridiculous number of early NFL entrants (37, next highest Florida at 29 and then FSU at 27) since the 2013 draft. Either that or the kids just want the heck out of LSU.
6) Speaking of early entrants, Georgia Tech is the only power 5 school with 0 since the 2013 draft. There was even one from Brown and some school called Friends which I though was a 90s sitcom.
7) Stanford and Northwestern seem to want to beat teams with experience because they have very negative Wash Out rates indicating likely less roster turnover and lots of redshirt seniors. Maybe this is how they can compete at a decent but not elite level without processing or paying recruits? It looks like PSU used to follow this strategy but has evolved a little. Interestingly, Clemson has done very well as of late with a low Wash Out Rate.
The list below is by the Wash Out Rank (4 year) and also includes school name / total 4 year class size / number of 2019 early NFL draft entrants / 4 Year Wash Out Rate
1 Wash St /106 /1 /23.53%
2 Mich /103 /4 /16.47%
3 Texas/ 100/ 1 /16.47%
4 Purdue /99 /0 1/6.47%
5 V. Tech /99 /0 /16.47%
6 S.Car /98 /0 /15.29%
7 Ole Miss /101/ 4 /14.12%
8 Iowa St /99 /2 /14.12%
9 TCU /97/ 0 /14.12%
10 Utah/97/ 0/ 14.12%
11 Alabama /103/ 7/ 12.94%
12 Oregon /97/ 1/ 12.94%
13 UVA /96 /0/ 12.94%
14 Georgia/ 99/ 4/ 11.76%
15 Tex A&M/ 99/ 4/ 11.76%
16 LSU/ 98/ 3 /11.76%
17 Kentucky/ 96/ 1/ 11.76%
18 Tenn/ 96/ 1 /11.76%
19 WVU/ 95/ 1/ 10.59%
20 Minnesota /94/ 0/ 10.59%
21 Colorado /94/ 0/ 10.59%
22 Illinois /93/ 0/ 9.41%
23 Indiana /93/ 0/ 9.41%
24 Nebraska /93/ 0 /9.41%
25 Baylor /93/ 0/ 9.41%
26 Oregon St /93/ 0/ 9.41%
27 UCLA /94/ 2/ 8.24%
28 Missouri/ 93/ 1/ 8.24%
29 Maryland /92/ 0/ 8.24%
30 N. Car /93/ 2 /7.06%
31 Oklahoma /96/ 6 /5.88%
32 Notre Dame/ 93/ 3/ 5.88%
33 NC St /92/ 2/ 5.88%
34 Pitt /90 /0/ 5.88%
35 Arkansas /90 /1 /4.71%
36 Rutgers /89/ 0 /4.71%
37 Florida /93/ 5/ 3.53%
38 Iowa /92 /4 /3.53%
39 FSU /91 /3 /3.53%
40 Cal /88 /0 /3.53%
41 USC /88 /0 /3.53%
42 Auburn/ 90 /3 /2.35%
43 Okla St/ 89/ 2/ 2.35%
44 Miss St/ 88 /1 /2.35%
45 K State /88/ 1/ 2.35%
46 Syracuse /87/ 0 /2.35%
47 Mich St /87 /1 /1.18%
48 Ariz /86 /0 /1.18%
49 Louisville /86/ 0 /1.18%
50 Wake Forest /86/ 1/ 0.00%
51 Georgia Tech /85/ 0/ 0.00%
52 Ohio St 89 /6 /-2.35%
53 Penn St 88 /5 /-2.35%
54 Texas Tech /84/ 1 /-2.35%
55 Ariz St /84 /1 /-2.35%
56 Kansas /83/ 0 /-2.35%
57 Wisconsin/ 83 /1 /-3.53%
58 Vandy /82 /1/ -4.71%
59 Miami /83 /3/ -5.88%
60 Duke /81/ 2 /-7.06%
61 BC /80 /1 /-7.06%
62 Clemson/ 81/ 4/ -9.41%
63 Washington /78/ 2/ -10.59%
64 NW /76 /0 /-10.59%
65 Stanford /76/ 3/ -14.12%
The list below is by the Wash Out Rank (5 year) and also includes school name / total 5 year class size / number of 2018 and 2019 early NFL draft entrants / 5 Year Wash Out Rate
2 S.Car /129/ 1/ 20.47%
3 Purdue /125/ 1/ 16.71%
4 Georgia /129/ 6 /15.76%
5 Texas /129 /7 /14.82%
6 Tenn /126/ 4/ 14.82%
7 Iowa St /123/ 2/ 13.88%
8 Tex A&M /126/ 5/ 13.88%
9 V. Tech /123/ 3 /12.94%
10 Utah /120/ 0 /12.94%
11 UVA /119/ 0 /12.00%
12 Ole Miss /123 /5 /11.06%
13 TCU /118/ 0/ 11.06%
14 Oregon /119/ 1/ 11.06%
15 Minnesota /118/ 0 /11.06%
16 Illinois /117/ 0/ 10.12%
17 Kentucky /117 /1/ 9.18%
18 WVU /117 1/ 9.18%
19 Missouri /117/ 1 /9.18%
20 Alabama /127/ 12 /8.24%
21 Indiana /116/ 1/ 8.24%
22 Rutgers /115/ 0 /8.24%
23 Syracuse/ 115/ 0/ 8.24%
24 Arkansas /115/ 1/ 7.29%
25 Miss St /115 /1 /7.29%
26 Mich /117/ 4 /6.35%
27 Oklahoma/ 124/ 11/ 6.35%
28 Cal /113 /0/ 6.35%
29 LSU/ 122 /10 /5.41%
30 Colorado /113 /1 /5.41%
31 Nebraska /114 /2 /5.41%
32 Baylor /112 /0 /5.41%
33 Oregon St /113 /1/ 5.41%
34 USC /116 /4/ 5.41%
35 Auburn /119/ 7 /5.41%
36 Ariz /112/ 0/ 5.41%
37 Georgia Tech /112/ 0/ 5.41%
38 NC St /115 /4 /4.47%
39 Notre Dame/ 116 /6 /3.53%
40 N. Car /112 /3/ 2.59%
41 Wake Forest /111/ 2/ 2.59%
42 Maryland /110/ 2/ 1.65%
43 Okla St /110 /2 /1.65%
44 Louisville /111/ 3 /1.65%
45 Kansas /109/ 1/ 1.65%
46 UCLA /113 /6 /0.71%
47 Iowa /113 /6 /0.71%
48 K State /110/ 3 /0.71%
49 Mich St /108 /1 /0.71%
50 Penn St /113 /6 /0.71%
51 Florida /114 /8/ -0.24%
52 Ohio St /114 /9/ -1.18%
53 BC /105 /1 /-2.12%
54 Ariz St/ 107 /4 /-3.06%
55 Pitt /105 /3 /-4.00%
56 FSU /111 /9/ -4.00%
57 Texas Tech /103 /2/ -4.94%
58 Wisconsin /102/ 2/ -5.88%
59 Vandy/ 101/ 1/ -5.88%
60 Washington /103/ 3/ -5.88%
61 Clemson/ 107 /8/ -6.82%
62 Miami /105/ 7/ -7.76%
63 Duke/ 99/ 2 /-8.71%
64 NW /96/ 0/ -9.65%
65 Stanford /98/ 7/ -14.35%
The list below is by the Wash Out Rank (10 year) and also includes school name / total 10 year class size / number of 2013 trough 2019 early NFL draft entrants / 10 Year Wash Out Rate
1 Wash St /254 /5 /17.18%
3 Tenn /257/ 13/ 14.82%
4 S.Car/ 251/ 9/ 13.88%
5 Kentucky/ 244/ 3/ 13.41%
6 Ole Miss /250/ 10 /12.94%
7 Alabama /255/ 15/ 12.94%
8 Syracuse /244/ 4/ 12.94%
9 Arkansas /246/ 7/ 12.47%
10 Ariz /241/ 3/ 12.00%
11 Georgia /248/ 12/ 11.06%
12 Indiana /243/ 7/ 11.06%
13 Texas Tech /239/ 4/ 10.59%
14 Miss St /240 /6/ 10.12%
15 Auburn /250/ 16/ 10.12%
16 Purdue /235/ 2/ 9.65%
17 V. Tech /239/ 6/ 9.65%
18 WVU /238/ 5/ 9.65%
19 Minnesota /233/ 1 9.18%
20 Baylor /238/ 6/ 9.18%
21 Tex A&M /245/ 14/ 8.71%
22 TCU /235/ 4/ 8.71%
23 Okla St/ 237/ 6/ 8.71%
24 Texas /241/ 11/ 8.24%
25 Illinois /231/ 1 /8.24%
26 Oregon St /234/ 4/ 8.24%
27 Missouri/ 235/ 6/ 7.76%
28 Utah /233/ 5 /7.29%
29 UVA /229 /2 /6.82%
30 Rutgers /232/ 5/ 6.82%
31 Oklahoma /247/ 20 /6.82%
32 Mich /233 /7/ 6.35%
33 NC St /233/ 8/ 5.88%
34 Iowa /230/ 6/ 5.41%
35 Colorado /226/ 3/ 4.94%
36 Kansas /225/ 2/ 4.94%
37 Ariz St /228/ 7/ 4.00%
38 Oregon /227/ 7/ 3.53%
39 Miami /234 /15 /3.06%
40 Washington /230/ 12 /2.59%
41 Nebraska /221/ 5 /1.65%
42 Vandy /219/ 4/ 1.18%
43 Wake Forest /216/ 2/ 0.71%
44 K State /219/ 5/ 0.71%
45 LSU /249/ 37/ -0.24%
46 Maryland /217/ 5/ -0.24%
47 Louisville /220/ 8/ -0.24%
48 FSU/ 239/ 27/ -0.24%
49 Pitt /216/ 5/ -0.71%
50 N. Car /219/ 10/ -1.65%
51 UCLA /225/ 16/ -1.65%
52 Mich St /217/ 8/ -1.65%
53 Georgia Tech /207/ 0/ -2.59%
54 Florida /236/ 29/ -2.59%
55 BC /209/ 2 /-2.59%
56 Notre Dame /224 /18 -3.06%
57 Ohio St /232 /26 /-3.06%
58 Cal /214/ 12/ -4.94%
59 Wisconsin /208/ 6/ -4.94%
60 USC /219/ 19/ -5.88%
61 Clemson /224/ 24/ -5.88%
62 Duke /200/ 2/ -6.82%
63 Penn St /208/ 14/ -8.71%
64 NW /184/ 1/ -13.88%
65 Stanford/ 193/ 18/ -17.65%