So, I've been traveling the last two days and only now can catch up and contribute to this discussion. I was at the Council meeting last week and let me say that Mary's report is accurate. My frustration is that I go to these meetings and spend so much time listening and only minimal time actually working or contributing - you all remember my pie chart from last year. I took some grief for that chart but it was all true. I really wanted to work for all of you but the opportunities are so limited.
I fly from Florida and I easily spent over $1000 in airfare, rental car and hotel room for each of these meetings. I knew that I would have to pay these costs when I requested to be on the ballot. It is not the cost. It is the passive nature of the meetings that is frustrating. We don't WORK, we just sit (well, I answer email because some times the listening drives me nuts). Most of the work is done by the Executive Committee (at other times) and seems purposely to occur in venues that limit discussion. Let me give you an example. Up until now there was always a room block at the Nittany Lion Inn and the Penn Stater, where we could reassured of getting rooms. Now suddenly the block has disappeared and we, as individuals, have to scramble for rooms. I don't blame the Alumni Association for there not being a block. However, when it happened, several people asked if we could discuss it at the next meeting so that we might think about alternative times for the meeting. Non-football weekends or perhaps a football weekend that was not Ohio State. I assumed we would discuss this. INSTEAD, we are told that we should respond to an online survey about it. Well, an online survey does not allow discussion amongst the members. I simply allows us to put in our ideas. But why would we not discuss this as a group - allowing us to discuss it as a group and perhaps learn why other people feel the way that they do. WHEN DID A UNIVERSITY BECOME A PLACE THAT MUFFLES DISCUSSION? (sorry for the shouting but I am frustrated). There are so many actions by the leadership that are designed to negate or minimize the input of Council members.
Last year, I was appointed to the Nominations committee. As those of you who know me might guess, I was upset that the Past President (who is a BOT member) was still on the committee - yes, this was Kay. I raised my concern as I believe that it is a conflict of interest. No response by anyone. AFTER nominations were submitted, the nominations committee was told that we had to develop criteria by which to judge people. When I suggested in an email that I looked forward to a vigorous discussion, I immediately got a call from Kevin Steele who told me that "I better not go into the meeting ready to fight." See - no discussion is allowed. When I did suggest in the meeting that devising the criteria AFTER the applications were closed was not fair to those who applied - no one would respond. How could we judge whether people who submitted an application met "criteria" that we had not yet established? But that's what happened. People were judged based on "secret"criteria. Now, there is a new Nominations committee (of course I was not invited back) and the criteria are supposed to be on the website now so people will know. So perhaps fairer this year - but still think about this - It is now HARDER to get on the ballot for Alumni Council (where council members are allowed to do nothing) than it is for the Board of Trustees? How backwards is this and to what end?
The bottom line is that these meetings are only for show. We all eat well, we typically sing the Alma Mater, there is a banquet to give awards to individuals and chapters,and there is the opportunity to go to a football game or the Blue White game. But as for the opportunity to contribute to the leadership of the AA, unless you are willing to spout the party line, the best that will happen is that you will leave with a lovely parting gift - and in my case, resentment that I wasted time NOT representing all of you.
Deb, THANK YOU for all of your efforts and for reporting back so that we are informed. Thank you as well to Jim and MaryQBA for their efforts and also providing updates. One can only imagine trying what it is like to try do to the right thing in this meeting and be so actively undermined. It is a shame. Know the efforts of you, Jim and Mary are greatly appreciated. I wouldn't blame you if you opted out, but sincerely hope you don't.
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