"Shame on you"? - For thinking Lubert would work with you to fulfill your agenda? No
That is not "shame". What it is, though, is incredibly naïve - to say the least.
Your passion to try to "right a wrong" with respect to the University's treatment of Joe Paterno is admirable.
What should be the source of "shame" is that you were willing to sell out the entire University, and completely ignore YOUR fiduciary duties.
All in return for a pledge (from a man that you knew was a liar) that he would assist you in fulfilling your quest.
That is shameful. Regardless of whether Lubert ignored, or lived up to, his worthless pledge.
Your willingness to sell out your duty to serve the University as a responsible trustee - at the drop of a hat - for any whiff of hope to further your desire to restore the Paterno legacy, is shameful.
It is both shameful AND a tremendous loss, because your passion (for anything) - even if harmfully myopic in this case - is a trait that is far too rare among members of the Board.
Ironically enough, it is also counter-productive. The unwillingness of the elected members of the Board of Trustees to perform their duties as responsible stewards of the University has lent significantly to burying the chances of cleaning up the Paterno-era legacy.
Those chances WOULD HAVE BEEN greatly enhanced if only the Alumni-elected members of the Board had placed responsible governance first - and allowed the restoration of "Paterno" to fall into line as they performed those duties.
The sooner everyone, including yourself, realizes that, the sooner we may once again have a chance to see responsible governance at Penn State - AND a chance at realizing whatever restoration of the Paterno-era legacy remains possible.
Based on what we witnessed on Friday, any such realization is a long ways off.
And today, whatever hope remains is now much slimmer than at any time since November of 2011.