Climate Scam Has Less Time Than They Thought
July 26, 2017
A new study by top climate fraudster Michael Mann says
“we” have less time than
“we” thought to stop global warming.

“we” thought Michael Mann is a liar and crook and global warming is a scam,
but putting that aside for a minute
– the UN said we ran out of time seventeen years ago.

Mercury News: Search Results
How many times will these criminals known as “climate scientists” continue to get away with repeating these same lies?
July 26, 2017
A new study by top climate fraudster Michael Mann says
“we” have less time than
“we” thought to stop global warming.

“we” thought Michael Mann is a liar and crook and global warming is a scam,
but putting that aside for a minute
– the UN said we ran out of time seventeen years ago.

Mercury News: Search Results
How many times will these criminals known as “climate scientists” continue to get away with repeating these same lies?