I’d prefer not hear UT’s advice all dual—but by all accounts the guy’s heart is in the right place (even if it is his sleeve). I think it’s very different at the D1 level than a youth tourney.Im sure this has been going on for awhile. Im sure the Dad and son have had conversations on it.
But I go back to the UoM match, when Tony left the mat and UT went to talk to him, grabbed his arm and Tony shrugged him off. Then went to sit down away from where UT could talk to him right after. Im sure they talked about the match later. But in the moment he wanted left alone. So I dont know what to think about this. I think if Cael wanted it over, it would be over. So for now, when tony takes the mat, fans need to just deal with it. I trust in Cael.
After once again hearing horror stories from Tulsa, about crazy ass parents, this simply isnt healthy. Whether you are 7 in podunk novice tournament in MD or live on ESPiNu, it just doesnt seem to be doing anything for the wrestler. It probably does more harm than good long term as we see our #s dwindle at the HS level.
That said, when you see the antics of TnT, Manning, the Mongolian FS Coaches, Russians, etc craziness is and will always be a small segment of our sport and sports in general.
The worst part of youth sports will always be the crazy parents.
I do agree that Rec needs more energy—and not just 15 we are chants. The zeitgeist of the place is respecting the wrestling and not wanting distractions from enjoying it—I get it, but the place needs more youthful energy too, imo. Not to be ageist, but I wish we could add 1,000 seats to rec and sell them to people under 50.